Chapter 6

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Chelsea's POV

Cameron picks me up and takes me to his house. Oh my God the house !!!! It's sooooo HUGE!!

We both step in and 3 guys and a girl was already in the house . The girl I am guessing is Mahogany.

"Hi dudes!" Cam says to the 4 of them."This is Chelsea. Some of you may know her."

" Heyo! I am Mahogany Lox." A girl in a cute outfit said to me.

"Hey.." I say smiling.

" Hi I am Carter." a boy mumbles to me in an annoyed tone.

I replied a hi back again.

The 2 others guys sat there whispering to each other. I am guessing I am the topic they're talking about. The 2 boys both give me dirty looks. I think those were some of the guys who gave me dirty looks when Cam introduced me to them at school.

After greeting the 4 people, Cam and Mahogany went to get soda and stuff from the store.

" Hey you!" One of the guys called me.

"Yeah?" I reply.

" Why are you friends with Cam?" he asks.

"Because...." I reply .

" Because what?" he asks. God he's getting annoying.

"Because he is a nice guy with an awesome personality." I reply again.

" Right. He might be doing this because he feels bad you don't have any friends ." he says.

" Johnson . I am pretty sure he said to us she looked lost when Cam first met her. That's maybe why he felt bad for her." The other boy says while Carter starts laughing and nodding in agreement .

" Yo Gilinsky ! That's totally true." The Johnson dude says to the Gilinsky dude.

Tears start forming and I couldn't keep it in any longer . Where was Cam and Mahogany?

Cam came through the door with a bunch of food in bags. I slightly pushed Cam out of the way, and bolted out the door crying .

What did I ever do to these people to end up like this?

Friends or Enemies?           ( Magcon boys ~old~ / 5sos)Where stories live. Discover now