Chapter 10

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" Wait seriously?" Nash asks.
"He's your brother?" Hayes asks.
"Yes and yes!" I say.
"Please don't tell anyone.."
"We promise." Nash and Hayes say.
"My parent said yes!" Nash says.
"Yay!" I say.
"Here's your bedroom." Nash says when he leads me to the bedroom.

' Knock knock knock'

Me and Nash heard it at the door. Nash goes downstairs thinking it was his parents, but it wasn't.
"Hayes!!!" I shout.
"What!" he yells back.
" Those aren't your parents it's my brother." I say freaking out.
" Ok. I'll hide you!" Hayes says.
"There is a trap door thingy under the carpet on the left corner!" he says. "hide there! it's safe."
I tiptoe a little so no one hears me and go into the trapdoor thingy.

I hear hushed voices.
" Hi I am Luke Hemmings. You probably know me, but can you help me?"
" Oh my goshhhh!!!!!! Yeah sure!!"I hear Nash .
" I am looking for my sister, Chelsea, I know she came this way.'' Luke says.
" Wait Chelsea 's your sister? Anyways, she did come this way, but she left." Nash says.
" Do you know where she went?" Luke asks , but I can hear the worried tone in his voice.
"No I don't. "
"Ok tell if she does because I know that she is at one of her friends' house. I am not that worried because of that." Luke says." sorry to bother you"
"It's ok Luke. Bye." Nash says. Then I could here a car driving away.

••A few minutes later••

"It's safe to come out of your hole, Chels." Hayes says.
"Ok, I am out." I say after managing to get out of the hole.
"Your brother is worried. You should go to him." Nash says.
" I don't think so. There is gonna be a big fight at home for running away. Even though its not my fault." I say.
" Whatever you say." Nash says.

From Calum💙: where are you? Luke is looking 4 u , but now he has come back and he says he's not worried because he knows your at a friend's house...

"Who's that?" Nash asks.
"It's Calum . One of Luke's best friends?!!?" I say with a worried look." What do I say to him, Nash?"

Friends or Enemies?           ( Magcon boys ~old~ / 5sos)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن