5 - Protective "Family"

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Stepping off the elevator, Bucky gives the team a confused look. Why are they all staring at him?

Scanning the faces he can see that Natasha is wearing her usual mask of indifference with a raised brow. Steve, Sam, and Wanda are looking at him expectantly and with excitement. Vision and Clint seem to be both oblivious and confused as to why everyone is staring in silence.

Bucky sits on the three-person couch in the same spot that Elissa was previously sitting. He awkwardly clears his throat.

"So?" Sam prods, leaning forward on the couch. His face is in a grin waiting to hear how it went.

"How'd it go?" Natasha asks, glaring at him. Bucky shifts uncomfortably, why is she giving him the death glare?

"Uh, it went well I believe. She said yes," he shrugs. A happy smile spreads across Wanda and Steve's faces as Wanda claps with excitement. Natasha nods, still not completely okay with it. Natasha is like Elissa's older sister or mother in a sense, she wouldn't hesitate to hurt anyone that hurt Elissavet. Sam gives Bucky a sly smile and Clint looks around in confusion.

"Wait, who?" Clint enquires, completely lost.

"Elissa!" Wanda exclaims before turning to Bucky. "I hope you can get her to be more social."

"I mean neither of them are really social butterflies," Sam points out.

"Well yeah, but at least Bucky comes out and talks with us. She just says a few things and leaves," she complains. None of them noticed that both Pepper and Tony have walked in. They make their way over to the couch arm in arm and stand behind it.

"What's the face for Clint?" Pepper asks with a confused, but amused smirk. Clint's face is somewhere between shock and anger, making a strange combination. Everyone looks to him in anticipation as they wait for him to answer.

Clint is not sure how to react to the revelation. On one hand, it's great that Elissa is putting herself out there to date, but on the other hand, she is going out to date. Without hesitation, he made the resolution that if Bucky ever decides to hurt his precious Elissa he's a dead man. "Uh, just taking in some news," he weakly explains.

"What? Did lover-boy confess about his little crush? Now that it's out you might as well ask her so someone doesn't just 'accidently' spill it out to her," Tony jokes, putting emphasis on the word 'accidently'.

"No, he actually did it," Steve smiles proudly. Tony takes a step back in confusion. He is surprised that Bucky actually got up the nerve to ask. Pepper's eyes are wide and she glances down to look at Nat for confirmation on the information she just received: their little Elissa agreed to go on a date? Natasha nods her head, not breaking her intimidating look at Barnes.

"Well I didn't actually expect you to do it," Tony admits, still astonished by the fact that he actually did anything about his crush.

"Well, how'd it go?" Pepper hesitantly asks, sneaking a quick glance at Natasha before her eyes return to Bucky.

"I think it went well. She did seem shocked when I asked her. She also took a little while to answer so I am hoping that she actually wants to go and she's not just saying yes to not hurt my feelings or something like that," he explains.

"No, she wouldn't do that. She was probably just weighing out the situation," Pepper assures him. He lets out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. It's a relief knowing that she probably didn't do that, he doesn't want to get his hopes up; after all, who could love someone as messed up as himself?

Frowning, he hopes that by some miracle she stays with him, but he doesn't want to be selfish. She deserves so much better in his eyes. That perfect woman deserves the universe. A pit of self-doubt sets in his gut, he can't help but go over possible scenarios of getting hurt or rejected. The pit only grows the more his brain dwells on the subject, it's as if it were a weight, weighing down his mood and spirits.

Author's note:

Hello! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I apologize for this being a shorter chapter. Please vote and comment so I can tell if I should continue this story, anything is greatly appreciated! If you have any recommendations please don't hesitate to comment, I'd love to hear from you all!
I love you all! Thanks for reading my story and if you want feel free to check out my other stories.

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