don't kill me

564 14 8

hi so I'm pretty sure we've established that its been 1822834637 years since I've updated and that I'm v v v sorry about the wait and I know I said I was into this story again but nothing happened and ugh. Burn me at the hypothetical stake for this unjust behavior.

basically this (millionth) note is to let you all know that I'm seriously gonna update this sooner or later before the year ends and this time I actually mean it.

oh and i ended up deleting chapter 14 (sorry not sorry) bc it was crappy in the first place and it was rushed and not at all planned so that ruined the direction i wanted it to go in originally which made me sad which is why I stopped updating (you see how it all comes full circle).

I'm gonna edit this (again bc why not) then go from chapter 13. I've got loads of experience with smut up my sleeve now (I was just a lil innocent soul when I wrote what I did lol) so expect even better/more to come. I'm gonna give the word 'mature' a run for its money (well try) *smirks*

so yeah, those are my intentions. Again, I'm sorry for making you all wait so long pls don't hate me


Bad Enough For You (Larry/Ziall) *DISCONTINUED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora