1. Introductions

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A/N: Hey guys! I got an idea for a story and decided to post it. It's based off of the song Bad Enough For You by All Time Low (thus the name). And yes, it is going to be a Larry/Ziall story... So yeah.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think. And sorry if it's a bit boring... Give it a few chapters & things shall progress & get better (hopefully).

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"Hello, I'm Mrs. Evelyn. As headmaster I'd like to start off by saying welcome back! It's a brand new year, and I'm delighted to also welcome our incoming freshmen and any other new students we might have. Thank you for choosing Holmes Chapel Preparatory School For Boys," A kind yet authoritative looking woman chirped from the center of the stage.

"Now freshmen, you might not be aware, but at the end of every back to school assembly we leave according to grade level. Once outside you'll make your way past the commons and towards the dormitories. Every building's labeled with the appropriate grade so you'll be able to know which dorm you should enter. Go to the front desk and state your name. You'll be given a packet with all of your information. In it you should find your schedule, room number, ID, and a list of supplies needed for each class," She ticked off on her long, well-manicured fingers.

"Later on you can go to the school's store and get said supplies. You'll be using your ID to pay for everything needed; so don't worry about needing actual money for materials and food." She took a breath and gazed at everyone seated, "This concludes our back to school assembly. Now, let's enjoy another year! Seniors, you may leave first."

I turned my head to the side and watched as a large group of boys exited the building, talking loudly and grinning wickedly, stature full of all the arrogance of someone who knew they were so close to freedom.

"Juniors, you may leave now." A bunch of other boys and I got up and grabbed our things, making our way towards the exit. I remained quiet, walking with my head down and my hands hidden in my jacket pockets as the others began chatting animatedly with one another.

I let out a shaky exhale as I entered the building labeled Junior Dorms.

I can't let my nervousness show... With that thought in mind I held my head high and straightened up, walking over to the front desk and standing in line, tapping my foot on the ground anxiously as I waited.

The boy in front of me huffed and whirled around with a prominent scowl. I quickly took in his appearance, noticing that he had obviously died blonde hair - I could see the brown roots - spiked up in every direction, and electric blue eyes brimming with mischief.

He wore a plain white t-shirt that hugged his body in all the right places, along with black skinny jeans and leather boots. He also had a necklace with a faded shamrock on it.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you mind? Some of us are tryin' to think here," He spat, turning back around right after. Whoa, tough guy. I smirked.

"Actually, I do mind."

He faced me once more and stared at me in what seemed to be shock, which was quickly replaced with a glare.

"What did you say?" He asked through clenched teeth. I crossed my arms over my chest and scoffed.

"What, are you deaf? I believe I said I mind. You see, if I do what you say then you'll just assume that you can boss me around for the rest of the year, and that just won't do." I shrugged and gave him a fake smile.

"You know what I think?" He asked, face now neutral. I rolled my eyes and sarcastically spoke,

"Oh, please share what's on your mind."

I may look confident on the outside, but at the moment my stomach was churning violently and my heart felt as though it was about to pound out of my chest. I wasn't used to this.

The blonde laughed and grinned widely at me, saying, "I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship." I froze, looking at him with confusion written all over my face. I shook my head and stared at him.

"And why would I be friends with you?"

He clucked his tongue. "Obviously you're not one to be messed with. And you might not be able to tell yet, but I'm the same. Soooo..." He paused, his grin turning into a smirk. "We stick together, we could raise some real hell; make sure everyone knows our names by the end of the year," He finished, shrugging. My eyes momentarily widened as I processed what he said.

I held out my hand after a moment. "Well in that case, I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson." He reached out for my hand and shook it firmly, dropping it after a few seconds.

"I'm Niall Horan," He nodded his head.

I felt a tap on my back and slowly turned to face whoever had just touched me, seeing a boy around my height with brown hair and a scared expression. He cleared his throat, mumbling something while staring at the floor.

"What? Are you talking to me?" I questioned, slightly annoyed. Niall chuckled from his spot behind me.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"U-um, no. Um, I was just, um, saying that the, uh, line m-moved up and..." He trailed off, eyes still on the floor. I glanced at the front and sure enough, the three people who had stood in front of Niall and I were now gone. I sneered.

"Well look at that, it is. And you are?"

He shrugged. "Nobody." My eyebrow rose and I frowned, though it was quickly wiped from my face.

"What's your name?" I was growing irritated, and somewhere in the back of my mind it kinda worried me just how easily I was doing this.

"Liam Payne," He whispered, brown eyes looking up at me for the first time. I smirked.

"There we go! That wasn't so bad now was it?"

He shrugged again, quickly averting his gaze. I snickered, turning my attention back to Niall who was currently talking to the old man at the front desk; waving to me with a grin and walking off a few moments later. I sighed and stepped up to the desk.

"Name?" The man asked.

"Louis Tomlinson," I replied.

He got up and walked over to a cabinet labeled with a 'T', flipping through the folders. He paused at one and pulled it out, glancing at it before walking back over to me.

"Right then, here you are Mr. Tomlinson. Welcome, and have a lovely day!"

I nodded my head and grabbed the folder, walking off to the side before shortly remembering that Liam was still here. So I placed a hand on his shoulder as he was advancing, grip tight, and looked him right in the eye . He gulped and I smirked, leaning in and stopping an inch from his ear.

"I think we're gonna have a lovely year together, don't you, Payne?" I whispered, managing to sound both flirtatious and menacing. He let out a startled yelp and jumped back, shaking like a wet cat. I chuckled, traipsing off.

If I keep this up there's no doubt in my mind that this year is going to be great.

But, as the saying goes: careful what you wish for.

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A/N: So, what do you guys think? I'll more than likely post more, but it's always good to get a bit of feedback :)

Bad Enough For You (Larry/Ziall) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now