2. "It's Louis, not Mr. Tomlinson."

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A/N: Hey guys! So I quite like this story so far, even though it's not that exciting yet... Are you guys enjoying it? I hope you are!

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An hour and a half later I finally found my room.

This place is huge!

I opened the door and stepped inside, noticing that someone was already here and unpacked. I closed the door behind me and walked to the empty bed, throwing my stuff onto it and sitting on the edge. I ran a hand through my messy hair, sighing.

So this is home now?

I jumped a bit when the bathroom door slammed shut, revealing a grinning boy whom I immediately recognized.

"Well well well... What are the odds that we'd get placed in the same room?" Niall asked rather smugly, walking over to his own bed and collapsing onto it.

"Beats me." I shrugged, standing up. Might as well unpack everything now. "I'm guessing this is my bed and that's yours then?" I questioned, rhetorically of course.

"Yup. And don't worry, I divided everything evenly in the bathroom, so your stuff should be all good, man," He replied, not even looking up.

"Cool," I nodded, features slightly impressed. "Hey, where are you from? Your accent's different from everyone else's?" I couldn't not ask, ok. He chuckled lightly.

"Westmeath, Mullingar, Ireland. And no, I will not say top o' the mornin' to ya," He spoke, annoyance clear in his tone.

"Well then. Some leprechaun you are." He shot up from his bed, eyes narrowed at me.

"Don't call me that again if you know what's good for ya."

I gulped nervously then mentally slapped myself, trying to cover it with a laugh.

Escape... I need to escape.

I hastily walked into the bathroom, the door slamming loudly behind me in the process. Whoops.

I quickly glanced around, noticing that it was quite large and also had a window. After putting all of my toiletries up I walked over to it and took in the view; it was of the commons area. Currently there weren't any people out there, but I'm sure once school started the place would be filled. Remind me to get curtains...

A few minutes later I deemed it safe and was now back in the room, taking everything in once more.

"We need to get a mini fridge in here or something," I thought out loud. Niall's head immediately snapped up from his notebook, a grin breaking out on his face.

"Agreed." He shot me a thumbs up then went back to writing. My eyebrows rose questioningly and I smirked.

"Oh, is wittle Niall writing in his diary?" His hand froze and he slowly looked up, stopping when our eyes met.

"This isn't a diary. It's a book of lyrics and chords. Make fun of me for it and I swear you won't live to see tomorrow," He threatened, face turning a bright pink. I lifted my hands up in surrender.

"Alright, calm down. Sheesh, I was just joking. Let's make a rule..." I trailed off, watching as his gaze softened a bit.

"What kinda rule?" He asked curiously.

"We aren't allowed to make fun of each other, at least not with things that matter to us," I spoke softly, hoping it wouldn't make me sound weak. He shook his head and grinned.

Bad Enough For You (Larry/Ziall) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now