3. It's War

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Wild brown curls covered his head and piercing emerald green eyes stared directly into mine. His perfectly plump, pink lips were pulled back in a mischievous grin, revealing a set of brilliant white teeth. His skin was slightly tanned and on his left wrist there were a series of small tattoos — I also noticed a few on his upper arm and one on his right arm. He wore a black Pink Floyd shirt with dark skinny jeans and a pair of white Converse.

So basically, the boy was sex on legs. 

A sharp voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Mr. Tomlinson? You're tardy." Why must everyone call me that? I thought students were supposed to call teachers by their last name, not the other way around?

I shrugged, walking up to the teacher's desk. "Sorry..." I glanced at the nameplate on her desk and smiled flirtatiously. "Eleanor. If you'd like, I can stay after class and make it up to you, if you know what I mean," I purred, winking at the end.  

Her eyes practically popped out of their sockets and she let out a rather loud gasp. "Mr. Tomlinson! That is no way to speak to your teacher! And you will refer to me as Ms. Calder, understood?" I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears, that's how angry she was. I think I'll enjoy messing with Ms. Calder... 

"I'll let you off with a warning just this once, but don't think you'll be getting away with this tomfoolery again. Now take a seat," She huffed, pointing to an empty desk right in front of her. Well, I think someone wants a bit of the Tommo... Wink wink.  

"Sure thing, El." I really hope she knows I'm not actually going to call her Ms. Calder... I walked over to where she had pointed, but before I sat down said, "It's Louis by the way. You'll be screaming my name often and Mr. Tomlinson is such a mouth full, don't you think?" I sent her another wink then sat down, smirking at her gob-smacked expression.  

"Detention. After school. Today," She said through gritted teeth. I think she likes me.

I smiled. "I'll be there." She rolled her eyes and went back to doing whatever it was she was doing for a few minutes while I just sat there.

I looked around and noticed that a few kids were either sleeping or reading, though most of them were chatting quietly with one another. If Maths class is like this all the time I might just show up more often.

Bored, I took out a notebook and began doodling random things on the front, tuning in on different conversations every now and then.  

Just as I was about to move onto another I heard a voice say, "What's up with the new guy?" Are they talking about me? Better yet, who's talking about me? 

"I don't know, but he better not try anything smart anymore. That's mine and Zayn's job," A deep, slow voice responded angrily. Who does this person think he is? And is he talking about the Zayn I sat next to in my previous class?  

"Did you see how he acted with Ms. Calder? You think he'll act like that with Ms. Flack, too?" The first voice wondered, and you could just hear the smirk in their words.  

"If he knows what's best for him, he won't," That deep voice spat out harshly.

Well then, now I have to mess with this Flack chick. I wonder if I have her for any of my classes?

I leaned to the side and reached into my bag, grabbing my now wrinkled up schedule, then sat back up straight. My eyes scanned the list until I saw the one I was looking for:

Ms. Flack / World History / Fourth Period

I grinned devilishly and slouched in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest and glancing at the clock. I can't wait for fourth period.

"Alright class. I've finished looking through all of your worksheets and everyone's pretty much at the same level, so that's good. I'm going to write some problems on the board and I want you to copy them down in your notebooks then complete them," Ms. Calder instructed, standing up from behind her desk and walking over to the board, a book in one hand and a marker in the other.

I watched with a grimace as the board gradually filled with a bunch of problems before averting my eyes from the horrid numbers and letters, instead focusing on Eleanor's extremely fit body. I didn't really go for women, but I'd make an exception for her. I'm really looking forward to detention now...

I grinned at the thought and began doodling again when I felt something hit the back of my head. What the fuck? 

I frowned and twisted around in my seat, looking at the floor to see what it was.

A wadded up piece of paper.

I looked up and once again my eyes stared into a pair of bright green ones. Was it him who had thrown it?

I gave him a 'what-the-hell' look and he pointed to the paper on the floor, a smirk on his lips. Reluctantly I leaned over and picked it up, slowly opening it. Right in the center in surprisingly neat handwriting it said: Quit while you're ahead. Or else.

Is this incredibly attractive douche bag threatening me?

After composing my thoughts I looked back at him and saw that he was still smirking. Not for long.

Quietly ripping out another piece of paper from my notebook, I scribbled down two words along with a smiley face for good measure. My eyes darted over to Eleanor and, upon seeing that she was still writing, I took the opportunity to throw the wadded up paper at green eyes, managing to hit him square in the forehead.

He scowled and picked it up from where it'd rolled down to his lap, opening it and reading it over. It took a moment before he looked up, the humor in his eyes suddenly replaced with anger and something I couldn't pinpoint.  

"Bring it? Really?" He chuckled harshly, not once directing his gaze away from mine. I shrugged and nodded my head.

"'S what it says," I replied nonchalantly, pleased when more anger bubbled in his eyes, but then it was gone. He crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a sickly sweet smile. 

"Ok, fine. Consider yourself warned." The threat didn't frighten me in the least, but the lack of emotion was a bit off-putting. 

"Glad to see you two are getting along, but when I'm teaching is not the time to do so. Detention Mr. Styles and Mr. Tomlinson. Again," Eleanor called out, not even looking away from the board. How the hell did she see us, let alone know we were talking?  

"Great. Thanks a lot asshole," The green eyed boy mumbled, finally looking away and back at the front.  

What is with this guy? He goes and ruins my detention date with Eleanor and blames me? Well fuck you too Curly.

Now, it's war.

+ + + +

A/N: Oh my God, I am SO sorry guys. This chapter sucks and I know you've all been waiting forever for me to update, and to top it off it's freaking short. Once again, I'm sorry for the crappiness/shortness & I promise to update soon with a much better/longer chapter.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning <3

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