egman daddy

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paet forrrr 😩😩😩😩

*afetr obama run frum da wite house*
omg egmen is so seggys i want to peg him thot obama when he saw him while runing from the wite house. and then al oof a suden, egmen runs over to obama, and ovama blooshes.

"hey their kuteen ;)" ehman said seggyly. obama got horn, so he asked egmen if he wanted to kis. egmen said tes, and then they mad out 😳. sunic then cam and saw them kising.


*bow in yhe presnt*
after that awsume knighy, egmen left both obama and snic unconsious, and humped them godbai. he then left on his ship and acidently flew inyo the sun and fuling exploded. when obama and senic woke up, they notis that egmen daddy 🥵 is gon. thry just left the layrr and went home, not nowing yhat hapenrd to yheir big egmen daddy.

they then mak out 😳😳😳 and seggs. then when they weer realy inyo it, TUMPY WUMPY BREKS IN, AND KILLS YHEM BOH. then tumpy wumpy rails sunics ded bodi and leaves.

ehen sanic eaks yp, he fels sik. so he rans to the batrom and thows up. obana also cums bak too liphe and seees snic coffing up his orgins.

"o-obama senpi, i thunk i is preganenaut 😭😭😭" obema is shoked!!! he's gona bee a dady!!!

two bee coujtined in pa t fiv 😳😳😳😳

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