and his name was john cena 😩

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and tuen jonh sena buests theu da dor??!!!!!!!!!!??!
"omfg its jonh sena he is sooooopooo hawt 😫😫😫😩😫😫😫😩😫😫😫😩😫😫"
maoned egman-daddy. he camed on th sigt.

"woo??? theirs no ine their."
"ya bbg, r u ok?? wana fuk sum moe to mak u fel butter?"
sunsoc and obama-senpai loked cumfused. eho wass egmam-daddy taling about???


jonh sena then toches there sholders, makng tehm maon amd cum.

"ooo me toching u maks u horny, huh bbgs? ;)" he then pushs dem on the bed qnd fuks dem ruff. egmam-daddy then gets horny, but leafs the rom to eat a raw pototo to get ut off da mod.

wen he cums bac, he sees the mes that use d to been sounic and obama-senpai. he jaks of and then comes.

"ooo-la-la, is ths wat hes ben going on? ;)"

"yes egmam-daddy, wana jon us? ;)"

"yes bbg, ill treat u rite ;)"

ten they fuk.

163515616 hours of hawt stemy shrex l8r

after the hawt and stemy shrex, they all took a long nap, cuddlng eac otha.

Author's Note:
Happy New Year! Sorry for taking so long for this chapter, and I'm thankful (and concerned) for all of those who stuck around. Thank you guys so much for almost 3k reads! Hope to release some more chapters soon for the next year, cya around!

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