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Author's Note: sowwy for late chaptwer, i was busy writing and planning for my other fanfic, Pinky Promise. if you like cookie run and the ship clottcier, please consider giving it a read ^^

Authors Note 2: HOLY SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THIS AND MY OTHER FIC LMAOOOO i remember making this chapter at least a month or two into the year, only for me to finish this when summer break is around the corner 😭

(patt tennnsnsjjahs babiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijuiiiuuuiiii!!?! 😳😳😳😳😳😭😳😭😳💀😳💀😳💀😳😰)

as they wre al cuisnlging each otha on the cowch, somwon nocks on da dor. al of ten get up Nd wallk towads the dor to open it. hoo culd it bee???

it was luissss!!!!! and hes dumi thicc 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

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it was luissss!!!!! and hes dumi thicc 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

"omigoss!!! it's dumi thicc luisss!! wat r u doin hear!?????"

"hello snic. ive heeard that u r datng da 44th president of the unied stats of amurika. ive cum to congragulate u too- who is tat wit u???"

"oh him?" he blooshes, and toicjes his fongertips 👉👈. "just another coupls daddys 🤭😳."

"o tahst nise. will, thats al i watned to do, ima hafe two go aee my dady, bowsir. il sea u arond snocic."

he wavs, and limps oit the hose. snoci is then lest wondring, sice wehn did luis hav a dady to? wats does martin thing of dis? wahtsever noe, he has to go bak to his 3 daddys 😏😫😩😫😣🫤😰😕😨🙁😧😵‍💫😓😲😧😯😧.

"woo was taht s9cnnic?" asked obama-senpai-daddy-kitten-baby-hunny-cutiepie-sweetie-sugarpie-honeybunny-sugarplum-jeff-the-killer-x-reader-9000-words-mpreg-tentacle-fantasy.

"o, it was an old frien. he cummed to congrajulate me in my relatoonship wiht u daddys ;)"

"o tahst nise, y dotn u cum bak to cudles wtisi us, tehn we can hafe sum "fun" later ;))))"

"oooooh alr tehn, cumming!!!! ;)))"

so sofnfic tenh went bak to fuddle (and more ;)) wrih his daddys-

knock knock


"yesss, who is it this tmie?"

as da dor slowly opened again, the for let ot a hasp.

(pat elevelen?:!:!?:?:?'!'!"!$;*!*(#(##* 🫤😩🫤😳😧🤭😭😳😏😩😰🤭😰🤭😱😱😱😱😱🤔😱🤔😱🧐☹️😒😢🤫🤗🤔🫣🤔🤔😡🤔😠🤔🤤)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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