Truth or Dare

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Hope's POV

The food was good, we finished playing Mario Cart and moved on to truth or dare.

"Ok I'll ask some of the internet for questions" Dan said as he got on his phone and tweeted. With in seconds we had hundreds of questions.

"Ok let's start!" Phil cheered like a four year old. "Winter truth it dare!!"

"Dare" Phil looked through the dares, "Bite into a lemon while doing the Macarena."

Winter got a lemon a stuck it in her mouth, and did the Macarena all wrong. By the end we where all on the floor cracking up.

"Hope truth or dare" Winter asked me

"Dare" I responded ready for anything

"Give a marker to Dan and let him draw any where on your body, you can't look until the game is over." My gosh I don't want to do this. Dan took the marker, and looked at me smiling.

"Take off your jacket" Dan told me, ugh. I took my jacket and his eyes flicked to my wrists, where the simple word "no" was written. "What is that?" Dan asked.

"A reminder" I said, I looked up and he was staring straight into my eyes, until he wrote a message on my shoulder.

After having to watch Dan and Phil act out a part of the hat fic, scream "Phan is a lie" out the window, and many over stupid things the game was over and Winter and I headed home.

A/N Short chapter, I don't really feel like writing an authors note...


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