A New Roomate and a Date...

241 12 11

Owen's POV

"Dan freakin Howell wrote this note" Hope said. My eyes grew huge, no way when did she meat Dan?!?!?

"What?!?!" I responded

"I'm sorry did I stutter?" She shot back at me.

"What no! I mean when did you meet him? Why did he write a note on your shoulder? Just what?!?" I was so confused

"I meet him at Tesco" She then got on her phone, that's rude.. "and this is why he wrote a note on my shoulder." She handed me her phone which had a video pulled up on it. I was a video of her, Dan, Phil and Winter playing truth or dare. Oh my gosh she was telling the truth. It was a pretty funny video too.

"Wow..." I looked back at her stunned

"Owen I don't know what to say I've never had a boyfriend before." Hope said, wow she's never had a boyfriend before...

"Hope say yes, take a risk." I said looking her straight in the eyes. She got out her phone and clicked a contact. I sat there and drank my tea. I like tea.

Hopes POV




"Hello?" Dan said into the phone

"Hi Dan this is Hope" Dan responded with something I couldn't understand

"Uh ok do the thing you wrote on my shoulder..."

"Oh... uh yeah that thing... uhh... sorry" His voice trailed off at the end.

"No it's ok, I'm actually calling to say yes"

"Oh.." the call went onto mute, weird. "Ok that's cool see you later"

"Ok bye Dan" I said and hung up, Owen just say there with an awestruck look on his face. "What?" I asked Owen who was starting to creep me out.

"You just called-"

Sing it for the boys

Sing it for the girls

"Hey winter" I said after enjoying the song for a few seconds, I love My Chemical Romance and so does Winter.

"Where are you and can you pick up a turkey from the store?" She asked, oh gosh what now "Oh and I need a pack of undercooked crab legs"

"1) You have to cook crab legs anyways so they're raw 2) Don't you think your allergic to crab 3) Why do you need a turkey? 4) I'm at Starbucks" I say used to random things coming from Winter.

"I'm seeing if I really am allergic to crab legs and I really want some turkey."

"No that's what allergists are for, but I will get a turkey, do you want it dead or alive."

"Dead, I don't want to see it running around every where with no head."

"I think only chickens do that but ok, see ya later looser."

"Bye weirdo" I look up and Owen is having a heated conversation on the phone.

"Owen?" I say as he hangs up the phone. he just sat down an looked at me.

"My girlfriend just broke up with me." He said said acting really interested in drink.

"Owen I'm so sorry" I gasp, I never meet her but she sounded like a bitch.

"Na she slept with a ton of other guys too, she just liked because I am semi popular on YouTube." He said with a little sadness filling his eyes "But she was really hot. The only problem is now I'm homeless." he said sighing and banging his head down on the table.

"I bet you could stay with us until you can get your own place." I suggested, I mean he's a great guy and I think Winter has something for him.

"Really?" He said hopefully

"Yeah why not, Winter will be fine as long as I get her a turkey."

Looks like my life might be taking a good turn for the first time... Ever.

A/N Ugh I'm so sorry I haven't been posting, I'm going to start posting every weekend so I actually get somewhere with this fanfic. If you can tell me the song that I referenced I will give you a shout out. Contest winner will be announced next chapter because it is currently midnight where I am and I have things to do tomorrow. Good bye, and night for people up past twelve, my Olivo's.

FlareFoot/Mrs. Stein😴

I can't even remember my own user name...

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