He's Yours

430 7 1

After me and Gray stand up were both attacked.

Jet: "Why man I called dibs"

Droy: "Yea so did I"

Jet: "No you didn't!"

Droy: "Yes I did"

They begin to butt heads. Gray was about to say something but couldn't as he was tackled.


I look around at the commotion the noise getting louder.

Y/n: "Now wait just a minAH

Taking a few steps im knocked to the floor.

Jet: "Whoops sorry"

Gray: "Y/-"

I hear my name but its cut off I get up from the floor and take a few steps back from the people all waving and cheering trying to come up to me.

Random Guild Member: "Congrats"!!

'I can't speak no ones listening'

Everyone's screaming I take a step back. Random people surround me and someone comes up behind me as I feel them touch my shoulder I react.

Y/n: "ENOUGH!"

I release magic as it spreads pushing those near me back soaking everything they stop there loud screams. My breath shakes. I see Lucy and Wendy try to walk up to me. Suddenly I feel someone grab my arm.

Gray: "Hey..."

I look at him my breathing still heavy, I feel an attack coming towards me I quickly dodge.

Blue Haired Girl: "Hes mine, he's mine, he's mine, HES MINE"

Blue Haired Girl: "Hes mine, he's mine, he's mine, HES MINE"

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I look back to see the this crazy ass lady. Her attack from before broke the guild hall doors open. I was mad before but now I'm pissed.

Y/n: "Watch where your aiming!"

I glare back at her. I see her charge at me again.

Lucy: "JUVIA"

Happy: "LOOK OUT Y/N"

Yelled Happy as he tried to warn me. I see Lucy take steps towards her but this girl charged passed her.

Gray: "Juvia!"

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