Chapter 1

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Grians PoV

Dark. It was dark. It was dark and it was cold. My eyes and even my whole body felt heavy. I could feel that I was laying down on a hard marble floor, it made my back hurt. I tried to scream, but no sound came out at all. After a few minutes of silence and back pain, I could finally open my eyes. The ceiling above me was made of quartz and I could tell there were pillars that reached the ceiling made of the same hard white material. A few more minutes passed and I could move. I shot up to my feet and spun around to scan my surroundings, the sounds of shuffling from my feet echoed down the hall. I soon remembered where I was, the hallway, this is where I stood, Iskall and Mumbo by my side as Pearl walked towards the 2 taller figures. The watchers. Them...the watchers are the reason Pearl is gone, the reason I changed, the reason I no longer live in Boatem, the reason the world is gonna go to hell. My breathing became heavy and it echoed down the empty hall. This hall...this hall is the source of all my of Hermitcrafts problems. But why was I here? Wasn't I just home? I was in my bed, I remember being there. Am I dreaming? Only one way to find out, in the dumbest way possible. I walked towards one of the tall pillars and took a deep breath before smashing my head into it.

Then I shot awake and up. I wasn't in the hall anymore, instead I was sat up in a slightly slouched way in my bed. I glanced around at the room, the safety of being in my cabin that sat in the middle of the woods setting in as I breathed a relieved sigh. I got up and moved my curtains to one side to check what it was like outside. Above the trees I could see that the sky was a mix of blues, pinks and oranges.
I said to myself as I pulled the curtains back over the window and walked over to the dull purple shulker box nestled in the corner of my bedroom, I rummaged through it for 5 minutes or so before getting an outfit ready then I got changed.
When I was done, I stood infront of my tall mirror that was across the room from the window and stared at my outfit. Instead of my usual outfit, I wore a dark blue sweater, the collar of a white button up shirt visible over the blue, a pair of black ripped jeans though most of the rips were covered by the knee high boots I wore on my feet, multiple chains hung down from my belt, a pair of black fingerless leather gloves were over my hands. I sighed and left the room, doing nothing to my messy hair. I picked up a mask from atop a set of drawers as I walked by. The mask was pretty simple, just a white mask with a blank smile on it, but no doubt that smile will be more unsettling that it already is. I paused after putting the mask on, thinking about the fact that I wore this mask while me, Iskall and Mumbo watched Pearl walk to the watchers, not a single person in the room could identify who I was, to them I was a stranger without a name and I preferred it that way. I suddenly realised I was already bored of how I looked in my current outfit so I turned around and changed to a different sort of style.

A short sleeved black shirt, dark red hoodie tied around my waist, the jeans didn't go but the boots were switched out, they did still reach my knees but they were combat boots instead of just regular flat boots, a simple black choker with silver spikes poking out it was around my neck and 2 necklaces dangled down from my neck. One necklace had a compass attached to the end and the other had an amethyst shard pendant. I still had fingerless gloves though the leather ones were put over fishnet gloves that reached just past my elbows, the blank smile of the mask stared back at me in the mirror.
"This....this is me, this is the person the watchers will fear. Pearl...I'm getting you back home...and this time.."
I began to curl my hands into fists before grabbing an axe that leaned against the wall beside my mirror. I smashed the large blade into my wooden floor as I spoke again, this time with a raised voice.
"This time! I won't fail!"

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