Chapter 11

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Ethos PoV
I was just flying down into the water below the shattered savannah I live in with Iskall, he told me he'd be back by now but there was not a single sign of the vex hybrid. I jumped as my communicator buzzed, I reached my hand into my pocket and yanked my communicator out. It was a message from Iskall that read:
'Hey Etho, I won't be home for a bit longer so can you do me a favour and go to Ren and Docs for me? They want me there and I've said I'll send you instead since I'm busy, thanks buddy'
I let out a heavy sigh before adjusting the leather straps that held my elytra on before replacing my communicator with firework rockets. I jumped up and used the rockets to propell myself upwards and I started flying to Ren and Docs base. On my way there, I suddenly felt light headed so I landed just under a tree nearby Geminis house.
"Oh- hello Etho!"
I was greeted by the deer hybrid herself, Gemini looked at me with the sweetest litlle smile.
"What are you up to all the way over here?"
She asked, tilting her head to the side like a dog.
"I'm going to see Ren and Doc, they wanted to see Iskall but he's busy so I'm the next best thing apparently. I've had to stop though for just a minute, I feel lightheaded"
I explained, Gemini nodding along, her sweet smile not even beginning to fade once as her head tilted back upright.
"Okie dokie! Just shout me if anything happens!"
Gemini waved and off she went. I sat down under the tree for a few minutes before getting back up and continuing my journey to see the pair.
Eventually, I landed and was greeted by a goat bonking into my leg, Ren running over to us.
"Sorry about calling you here all of a sudden"
Ren apologised while pulling the goat away from me. I just shrugged.
"Doesn't matter, I wasn't doing anything anyway, so what's up?"
I asked. Ren lead me to a small little cabin that was added to their base just as Doc was leaving it.
"Oh- Hello!"
Doc waved so I waved back while Ren lead me inside. The cabin seemed somewhat cosy, I glanced around.
"So- why are we here?"
I asked and Ren pointed over to a bed where a masked figure was sound asleep.
"Doc brought this dude home with him while that storm was going on, thankfully he did or else they would've probably died"
Ren explained while I just nodded along, confused as to why he'd ask Iskall to come see this dude.
"You and Iskall wouldn't mind keeping him at your base would you?"
He asked, now it made sense. I nodded and told him yes so I lifted the figure out the bed and left, getting back home.
I just let the figure sleep in my bed and just as I was walking away, that light-headedness came back again, this time alot worse than before, I could feel my body tilt to the side but I caught myself before I actually fell while a disembodied voice whispered into my ear.
"Don't fight it Ethoslab, just let yourself sleep, we have something to show you"
Then bang, I fell to the floor and blacked out.


Etho Featherblade
Height- 6'9
Species- Harpy

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