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After our little interaction at the bench behind the school,
I started to find my self more fond of bakugo and
Wanting to spend more and more time with him.

Which rearly ever happens, because our friend groups
Are from two totally different worlds..

So I had to find a way to spend time
Or talk with him..
On my own.

So I decided to get his number, or at least try to.

I mumble up the courage,take a deep breath and walk up to him.
"Bakugou" was the first thing i said to him.
He shut his locker door and looked right at me.
"Candy cane? Since when did I give you the permission to speak to me??" He says as he now starts walking down the hallway.

So I quickly follow behind him.
"Didnt know I needed permission to speak" I say in my normal monotone voice. He groans and says
"what do you want, half n half"
I pause and clear my throat..

"Your number" I say as clearly as i possibly can..

He stops dead in his tracks.

"My- my what?" He says now turning his head to look at me.

He stammered, how cute.

"You're number bakugou, pretty sure I made it clear the first time." I reply to him in all seriousness.
He starts to walk again, and I follow behind him.
"Let me get this straight, we made a little bit of interaction at some random bench, and now you think you can have my number?"
He questions while now shoving his arms in his pockets.
"Yes please, if you're willing to give it to me"

He doesnt say anything and he just keeps walking.

Till we finally reach a classroom, I'm not to familiar with. It must be a class he takes, and I dont. He enters the classroom and shuts the door behind him.

Oh, guess I'm not getting his number then?

I just stand there staring at the door, so maybe when he is done with the class I could try my luck and ask him again?

Hours pass..and I am now sitting on the floor next to the door of the classroom reading some random comic on my phone.

Its 3:30

School closed an hour ago.

Then finally, I hear the sound of a doorknob. I quickly jump to my feet. And I'm greeted with an unpleasant look from bakugou.

"What the fuck icyhot?! School closed a fucking hour ago and you're still here??" He questions.

"I'm standing right here, am I not?" I ask him tilting my head to the side.

"What the fuck? You want my number that fucking bad?! Tch,Here have it." He opens up his bag, brings out some random jotter and a pen, tears a sheet of paper from the jotter while mumbling random curses, then aggressively starts to write some numbers down ..numbers I'm hoping is his actual phone number..

"Here, shit face. Now leave me alone, will ya?" He says while giving me the sheet of paper he tore out.

"Thanks" I say taking it from him before folding it and putting it in my blazer pocket. "Bye bakugou" Is the last thing I say as I now start to take my leave.

"Fucking weirdo" is last thing I hear him mumble.



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