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I was mad at my self for crying over him.
So I needed to make things right.
I needed help.

At first I wasn't to keen about telling
anyone about this whole thing,
But I needed to.

So I asked Yayorozu for help.

I explained the whole goddamn thing to her,
About how he left me on read after I confessed.
About how I cried over him..

And apparently she already knew I was gay.
She said it was "so freaking obvious"

So during lunch she forced me to get
things right with him.

Bakugou was having lunch with his friend group. Kaminari, sero, mina and red head.

Yayorozu starts to pull me towards their table. "You're gonna make things right with him, whether u like it or not" she says while dragging me.

But I wasn't even resisting, because.. I did want to make things right with him.

We get to their table.

"Bakugou" she calls out whilst standing behind him.
"Hah!? Ponytail?!" He aggressively states while glaring at her. "Oh, and icyhot" his voice softens as he sets his glaze on me.

"What do ya bastatrds want?!" He shouts back to his usual tone.
"Well, my friend here..shoto. would like to have a word with you...privately" she says confidently smiling.

He stops and then hesitates. He then looks at his friends before sighing whilst also getting up from his seat.

"C'mon icyhot, let's go" he says while grabbing my hand from yayorozu


I started to get those 'butterfly' feelings in my guts again, but I subside them. Thats not what's Important right now.

Bakugou drags me, he drags me all the way to our usual eating spot behind the school.

And we sit.

We sit in silence.

We sit in silence for a while.

But I decided to break the silence.

"you left me on read, bakugou" i state while fidgeting with my fingers whilst also staring ahead.

He then turns to face me "I..I know" he hesitates

"You avoided me too, you stopped coming to eat with me, you always tried to limit your eye contact with me, you-" I was cut off.

"I'm sorry"

Hes sorry? Bakugou katsuki is sorry?

"What.." I now face him.

"I'm sorry todoroki, I'm sorry for leaving you on read, I'm sorry for avoiding you I'm sorry for-" I cut him off this time.

"I- Please dont apologize..I'm not mad at you. I just- I dont know..I just cant be mad at you." I state now letting my head fall down, staring at my legs.

He doesnt say anything. He just grabs my hand before intertwining our fingers, he then proceeds to rest his head on my shoulder.

It's no longer butterflies I feel anymore, I can feel eagles in my guts.

"I was scared" he says out of the random.

"Hm?" I look down at him.

"I was scared, that's why I left you on read and why I avoided you and why I just- I've never been in a relationship with a guy before. I like guys, yes. Just never been in a relationship with one." He pauses for a few seconds.

"Girls have asked me on dates but I never really enjoyed it. Like there was just something missing..." he finally completes.

"Im pretty sure what was missing was them not being a guy, bakugou" I jokingly state, and he just smirks a little bit.

"Stupid icyhot, you know I like you too, right?" He infroms.

I feel my heart skip a beat. And I instantly retract my hand and stand to my feet as a reaction.

"You- you like me? Like me as in more than a platonic way? Like me as in boyfriend way?...like me as in you want to kiss me way..?" I finish the last part with a mumur.

He just stares at me from his position on the bench.

"Yes I like you in more than a platonic way, yes I like you in a boyfriend way" he gets up.

"And yes I like you in a I want to kiss you way" he grabs my hand and pulls me closer, he chuckles and rests his head on my chest while holding my hands. "Shoto, you dumb fuck" he says before lifting his head of my chest.

"I love you so much" is the last thing I hear escape from his mouth, before he pulls my neck down giving me a warm soft kiss.

Bakugous lips were so surprisingly soft and damp. I always dreamt of what it would feel like to kiss him, and he definitely exceeded my expectations. He was so passionate and slow. He definitely was not a beginner.

He pulls away and i could fill him sigh on my lips

It sent shivers down my spine.

He then rest his head on my chest "Ok let's go now" he says.

He then proceeds to once again grab my hand and interlocks our fingers, he then rests his head on my shoulder. "Let's go, icyhot" he tells me as we start to leave.

"Bakugou" I call out as we walk.

He looks up at me, to show he is listening.

"I love you too"


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