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Today at school.
Bakugou told me something.
Something that put a stop to my endless thoughts and worries.

I was eating lunch at the spot again.
I didn't even realize that I had stopped eating with my friend group anymore until when earlier today, midoriya came up to me and asked why.

I gave him a simple and short answer. "I need to think" he understood and didnt ask anymore questions.

And im grateful for that.

But moving away from that.
While eating, I got my usual visitor.

It may not show on the outside, but I get mildly happy whenever he joins me here on the bench.

"Icyhot" he calls out, while taking his usual seat.
"Bakugou" I greet back.

After those two words were spoken, it was quiet
No one said anything..
Until I spoke up.

"Are you into guys?" i question after taking a slurp on my cold soba.

He chokes. He quickly grabs his water and takes a chug.
"Wha- me? Are talking to me icyhot?" He says now heavily breathing.
"You're the only one here, are you not?" I reply in my same ol monotone manner of speech.
"Tch,Stupid icyhot, well why so sudden?" He questions as he now drops his water bottle.

"Well you never showed any interest In girls..and Im just curious, I geuss?" I reply to him, knowing damn well that wasn't my reason for asking.



My eyes widen and I quickly turn to look at him, "yeah? As in you like males?" I question just wanting a form of reassurance.

"That was the question you asked me, was it not?! And there's my goddamn fucking answer...I'm gay, dumbass" he says now closing his bento box and getting up. "Stupid icyhot" he murmurs and walks off.

And I'm just there in awe. Thinking about how much trust I must have built with him for him to just blurt out his sexuality like that.

Bakugou trusts me.

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