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It was bakugous birthday today.
The 20th of april.
I have it saved on my calendar fyi.

I had already gotten him a present 2 weeks early.
It was an allmight figure, I got him other stuff.
Namely : a red hoodie, a ring and some chains.

But the figure was my favorite.
It was favorite because of how I found out he likes allmight.
Or rather how I found out he is an "allmighty fanboy"

Basically, It was early last month, I was on my way to the cafeteria for breakfast. So I left my dormitory room and shut the door behind me.

But it seemed like someone forgot to do so.


He had left his door slightly open.

I decided to be a good classmate, and help him close the door.
But curiousty always kills the cat.
And ofcourse I had to take a peep into his room first.

Sorry bakugou, I too am ashamed of my self.

I peeped into his room and what I saw wasn't horrific or anything it was lowkey..

Unexpected from him.
And so we all know I found it..

It was a little collection of allmight figures on the corner of his bookshelf.

I brought out my phone and quickly took a pic "for memories" I murmured and shut the door.

So yeah that's how I found out he was a fan of allmight.
But his reaction to the present was even better.


He takes a seat next to me on the bench " sup candy cane" he greets.

"Happy birthday bakugou" i blurt out completely ignoring his greeting, as I turn to face him, while holding a gift bag in my hand.

His eyes lit up in shock "fucking creep" he grabs the gift bag "how'd ya know it was my birthday" he questions as he now starts to look through the bag.

"Oh well I just-"

"A fucking allmight figure?!" He exclames while now looking up at me.

"Yeah? You like it?" I question while just glaring at him. "What the fuck icyhot?! Why did you get me this, did anyone tell you something!??"

I fight the smirk that's tugging on my lips. "Well I heard from a little birdy that u may or may not be a fan of allmight, but if you dont want it I can give it to midoriya"

"Well fuck you...AND that little birdy, and fuck no it's my present so I'm keeping it, why would I want something YOU got just for ME to be given to stupid deku?!" He scoffs.

"Protective much" I mumble under my breath

"What was that?!" He cocks a brow.

"Nothing" I retaliate " I said, good keep the present!" I lie.

"Tch stupid icyhot.." was the last sentence spoken as we ate our lunch.

Bakugou was protective of the gift I got him.

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