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I cried today.

At school today, I was walking down the hallway. Whilst walking down this hallway which I thought was empty.

I started hearing murmurs.


So I look around.

That's when I realized there were two other people here, I just never realized because I was walking with my head down.

These two boys walking behind me just happened to be.


and his little "acquaintance"


So I decided to stop by my locker and act as if I was getting something while also watching them with my side eye , and listen in on their convo. I wasn't planning on doing anything ..I just wanted to know how bakugou's been doing lately.

Because it's not like I hate him now, or I ever stopped liking him.

I still very much like bakugou. Yes in just more than a platonic way.

Asides that.

Kirishima and bakugou where talking, I couldn't quite make out what they were talking about.

Then kirishima suddenly burst out in laughter, gasping for air and tears of joy coming out his eyes.

...And then he hugged bakugou.

He hugged bakugou?

I felt my chest ache a little. But what really put the icing on top.

Was bakugou hugging back.

And as if red head couldn't make matters worse...

He grabbed bakugous hand and INTERTWINED their goddam fingers, before mumbling a quick "come on, let's go" and dragging bakugou along with him.

While bakugou was being dragged away, I saw him glance at me. A quick glance nothing more and nothing less.

But that glance was enough to make tears from in my eyes?

So yes, I cried over a boy today.
That's silly right?

And so not cute.

𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 | 𝙏𝘿𝘽𝙆 ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang