Rules for Judges

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Rules for Judges:-

1. Follow dreamybantanie , Loraslk and Alnaebts to get notified and to keep up with the updates.

2. Give a shout out to this book on your message board and add this book to your public and private reading lists.

3. No receiving bribes!!! - This is VERY important, if the hosts find out of any bribes taken you will be removed from judging immediately (also if you are a participant we may pull your book out too)  

4. Password: BTS inside joke.
Eg. Shit down

5. If a participant is not behaving mannerly or pressurizes your decisions, please contact the hosts.

6. Each judge will be given 5 books to judge in 3 weeks, you are supposed to give a detailed review according to the judging criteria mentioned later.

7. Participants can judge in these awards only if you fill the form for judging in the sub-category other than in which you're participating!

Any questions:-

Judges tag:-

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