Very Important! - Everyone read!

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Helloooo... Please read through these important news. Beside the headings I will put whether its for Participants or Judges to read but make sure you read through everything carefully. And make sure your not skipping over everything to go to a different chapter because there is parts for YOU to read. Multiple bits for participants and judges below.

This is about:
- 4 Judging slot's available (Judge blocked/muted us)
- Judging Activity Check!
- Scores for when the results come out! (Scores out of 200!)
- Judging prizes
- And one more thing ;) May want to read it!


4 Judging slot's available (Participants + Judges read)

Okay so sadly a judge has decided to block/mute this account as well as host accounts. This is terrible for us because they were signed up to judge 3 slots. Also considering they didn't tell us and just decided to block us it's extremely unhelpful when we are trying to complete these awards...

And another judge left after reading and completing 2 reviews but 3 haven't been done.

So basically we want to open the slots again, available is:
(Mature + LGBTQ+ Readers only as other slots have been judged so we cannot avoid either of these so don't sign up to help if you can't read one of these) (Also if you are a participant in any of the categories bellow you cannot judge for the same category you are participating in)
JJK - However you only have to judge 2 - 3 books that the original judge didn't judge so is basically easier but you will likely get a shorter timeframe but you can still ask for an extension because everyone's life can sometimes go out of sync at any moment.

If you are interested in judging one of these area's please use the form below and fill out the form in line here -

Judging experience:-
Are you a participant? :- (if yes, mention the sub-category)
Sub-category you are judging:-
Comfortable with mature or LGBTQ+? :- (Has too be yes for both)
Host tags:- ( tag hosts) 

Any questions -


Judging Activity Check! (Judges only, participants skip to next section)

It has come to the hosts attention that some judges don't seem to be very active so we want to check you are online, and available to be judging.

I know a lot of the judges have handed in there reviews and results but please complete the following still.

Please put 'my universe' or '💜' in line with your name.


Any questions judges -


Scores for when the results come out! (Participants + Judges read)

Okay so hosts have decided from noticing some judging seems too generous that we are now going to do scores out of 200!

This is because we want to ensure it's fair judging so it will be the hosts score + your judges score.

This is because we are already checking the fairness so to manage it, it just makes sense to combine scores so that anyone's judging overall that's too generous is balanced out with the hosts score so that real winners deserve the win, just not from having a generous judge.

We may or may not give our hosts report beside the judges report, because we are looking at quite a number of books we aren't fully sure on if we will give you guys a report too. 

We also haven't looked at if we will send out privately to you the report and judge announce the winners in the book or whether we will publish the results all up here.

And just because I can I'm gonna ask again for yal opinions (Also to see who read this far down!)

Vote with a heart or my universe in line for: (Only vote once this time please!)

Post winners in book but send reports privately -

Post winners in book and put reviews in book -

Post winners in book plus the scores but send reports privately of things to work on -

Any questions -


The BTS Universe Awards blacklist: (Doesn't matter who reads, just be aware it can happen to you and skip to next part)


You cannot take part in anything more in the BTS Universe Awards due to only judging a few books and due to blocking us without knowledge you are pulling out.

This also makes you ineligible for the judging prizes.

 Almost there...

Judging prizes: - (Only judges need to read it) (Skip to next section participants)

Okay so this is actually mostly so you guys are aware.

With the judging award, prize = "A secret", the hosts are going to mark you on 3 things.

1. Time (Ie. how long it took you to send in your reports)
                - With people who've asked for extensions getting better marks for this then people that                     don't attempt to ask for extensions.

2. How in depth your reports are (Ie. Proper writing to give the participants feedback on ways to improve and also if we think your reports aren't too nice)

3. Accuracy against the host marks. We will be judging you out of 100 basically and 80 marks is how accurate your judging is beside what we think, if we think you were too generous for something, ie we have an 8 for character development and you put a 10, we will minus 2 from 80, if we think you were too strict, ie you got 6 for character development but we got 8, we minus 2 from 80.

Basically your accuracy, depth and honesty, and time will likely earn you the judging prize and most of yal have judged already so there's no cheating by telling you this :)



(Participants + Judges read!)

Another activity check for participants and judges so we know you read everything you need too. Put a heart or a my universe in line with....

Here -

Any other questions too -

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