Special Announcement 💖

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Hello there! This is a special announcement for Judges and Participants.

To make the judging fair, we hosts are personally going to review the score given by the Judges. It's mainly because most of the times the Judges scores can vary, some can be lenient while some can be strict and in the midst some deserving participants won't get any prize.

To avoid this from happening and to find a middle ground we'll be personally reading your book, we can't promise to read each and every chapter, because we have to read lots of books. Only handful of the starting chapters so that we can judge the book.
This is to maximize the fairest judging so if someone is too lenient or too strict there will be a deserving winner that the hosts will make sure of.

Also to show our appreciation to judges, we'll give them a follow back from the hosts account.

We also encourage participants to judge another category as it would really help us get started and like we just stated above you would get a follow from the hosts account.

It's also totally fine if you have no experiencing judging, we will still accept you and give you some hand with judging if needed (if you aren't sure on how to follow the judging criteria)

The best judge which will be decided mutually by the hosts and will get a special badge. The best judge will be the one with the most impressive review and whose score matches our score or the judging crtieria.

Your opinions:-

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