Check in + game

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Hiya, it's Loraslk here.

I'm waiting for the other host to give me permission to do anything right now other then sort out the data from the awards so I'm sorry for the hold up.

But I thought why we are all waiting, we could have a quick check in and play a game.

Sooooo... How is everyone doing? Feel free to comment :)

Now I'm gonna post a bunch of would you rather questions bellow if you want to have some fun commenting your answers :p

I'll do like 15 questions.

It is optional, just thought it may be fun.



1. Marry J-Hope or kiss V once?


2. Would you rather tell Jimin he has no jams or Jin that he's not handsome?


3. Have a staring contest with Jungkook or Jin?


4. Would you rather live with the Maknae line or the Hyung line?


5. Would you rather be at a Pj party with Jungkook or a pool party with Jimin?


6. Would you rather compose a song with Suga or choreograph a dance with J-Hope?


7. Would you rather do dabsmash with Jungkook or agyeo with Jin?


8. Would you rather let Jungkook or Jimin sing at your wedding?


9. Would you rather have RM as your best friend or V as your brother?


10. Would you rather go into a haunted house with J-Hope or Suga?


11. Would you rather touch Jungkooks abs or re-dye Taehyungs hair?


12. Would you rather fight Jungkook or fight Suga?


13. Would you rather have English lessons from RM or eat with Jin?


14. Would you rather Jungkook kiss you for 5 minutes or Jimin finally keep to his promise and reveal the bottom half 😏


15. Lastly, hehe, friendly competition, would you be more likely to read Loraslk's books or dreamybantanie's books? Or have you read Loraslk's books or read dreamybantanie's? If so which one did you read/like?


Hope this was fun :)

Any questions, comment in line here -

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