Judging Criteria

468 33 19

Cover   5 marks

1 mark:- It is a cover.
3 marks:- It's attractive, relates with the story, the font is pretty and clearly visible.
1 mark:- It's a piece of art and everything perfectly fits together.

Title   5 marks

1 mark:- It is a title.
2 marks:- It compliments the story  and has a deep meaning which is embedded within the story.
2 marks:- It is unique, eye catching and makes you want to read the story.

Blurb/story description 10 marks

3 marks:- it had a dialogue or a sentence which intrigued you to know more about the character or made you feel some kind of emotion.
4 marks:- short synopsis of story is given with a cliffhanger.
3 marks:- you can draw out an inital plot in your mind and the blurb perfectly defines the story.

Beginning of the story 10 marks
(It includes prologue or first 3 chapters)

3 marks:- the characters are neatly introduced.
3 marks:- the story is interesting from the start and makes you want to read more.
4 marks:- the pace of the story is perfect and you get a gist of story.

Plot, concept and theme 20 marks

Is the plot unique or off the charts? There's no plot in this day and date that is original so even if it's cliche, how is it executed?
Were there any plot holes or plot twists?
That's completely up to you to judge...

Writing style 30 marks

Grammer:- 10 marks
Punctuation:- 5 marks (commas, dashes, periods etc)
Dialogues:- 5 marks
are they related to the story or going off topic or unnecessary?
Vocabulary:- 5 marks
is it fancy, adequate or too simple?
Voice/ paragraph structure:- 5 marks
are the paras too big or too small? Is the voice used matching the writing style?

Character development 10 marks

Did the character's personality improved? Were the changes necessary or not? Did it made any sense? Did you feel their emotions? 

Overall enjoyment  10 marks

Did you enjoy reading it? Will you continue to read the story if ongoing Or will you recommend it if it's completed?

Total (100 marks)

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Any questions:-

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