XVII. Aerondess. Between The Line

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He was and would ever be the most glorious she knew. It was love at first sight. The world stopped revolving around what she had always known of and instead, the Elvenking became the obvious centre of the orbitation.

There he was, tall and strong as he stood above them all in his magnificiently made turso by the hand of the most skilled tailors. His beautiful eyes looked at her in awe; the princess was utterly pleased by her bless of beauty. How much she wanted to be a part of his life, Aerondess felt her heart beated in melody imaging the life ahead. Since young age, the royal elleth had heard many stories about the Great King Oropher and his son; and now as Thranduil had taken after his father's step to the throne, Aerondess' admiration and idolization for the young king had become obvious.

Princess Aerondess smiled confidently as she was aware that she was in the limelight. While making her way along the passage, escorted by her father's loyal friend and servant, Aerondess noticed, however, not all eyes were admiring her. Next to the Elvenking stood a ridiculously familiar elleth; she was very pretty, yet appearantly pale and shocked as she was staring directly at her.

It took a moment of flashback until Aerondess finally realized who the maiden was. She was clean now, suitably dressed, had her hair done in the simpliest way but indeed, the elleth was Aerondess' unexpected friend in the woods: Faeryn. The princess was both curious and surprised to see Faeryn standing next to the Elvenking, which clearly implied somewhat of her status, and how the two seemed to be having a conversation going on in secrecy.

"Welcome, my dear friend of Aerindel and Your Majesty. Welcome you all, to Woodland Realm of High King Thranduil." Lord Anglor bade his welcome. She nodded.

Aerondess knew there was something odd going on, she saw it in the Elvenking's eyes as he talked to Faeryn. Somehow, the look bothered the princess. She did not know what it was nor did she know why was it that way, but Aerondess was sure that the king of Woodland Realm would never look at her like that.

"The pleasure is all ours, my Lord." Knowing better not to neglect the manners, Aerondess lowered her knees and offered the most lady-like bow she could, just like what mother had taught her before leaving.

Little did they know how hard it was, being born with a silver spoon in mouth. Aerondess whined in silence as she counted her breath. Now stand straight up, slowly... head ups elegantly... don't rush... Smile...

"Ahh, the precious daughter of King Glindaeron, how come I did not catch your name?"

Aerondess darted Faeryn a quick gaze and then the Elvenking. For the first time in her life, the princess found herself threatened. As nonsense as it might be, Aerondess feared for her place in - dare she might say - Thranduil's life. Although they had yet made accquaintances, the elleth had a crazy assumption in which she barely own a place on his list of priorities.

I have always been Father's first. Aerondess assured herself, however the feeling of denial still hung over her like a heavy fog that wouldn't leave. She saw how Thranduil had looked at her and it wasn't like any other. His eyes did not stay nor crave. They simply eyed her in awe, enthused her beauty and left.

But despite how it turned out to be, not once had Aerondess questioned her heart. She had loved the king long before they met, and now seeing him in person only confirmed that feeling. Aerondess looked at Faeryn whose beautiful and unique green eyes were too on her moves and wondered what was this elleth's relationship with Thranduil. The black-haired maiden's nervousness challenged her deduction in every way. A friend? Family? A servant? Aerondess hoped it was simpler and less... threatful.

"I was named after the first sound I heard and the first thing I saw when I was born into this world by my mother. It's-"


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