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Strong mental attitude.

The person who wins is the person who thinks they can.

There can be no doubt in your mind.

If you think you can do something you have to live up to that potential.

When you think you can, you will.

You have to persuade yourself that you are the best.

Energy is relative.

Energy is subjective.

Having what it takes is not good enough; being what it takes is where you need to be.

Have confidence in your abilities and success will follow.

You can be signed based on ability but you have to be successful to be confident and once one becomes confident then thats when you have got something.

When you do things that make you say WOW you did it, you brought you there no one else then you have confidence in you to do things. Things seem possible.

When you get stuck on something do something you know you can do, something simple mundane to build confidence.

Think things are actually possible.

Anything is possible . I want to travel, work hard and play hard.

Suspend your disbelief for one moment and think "What if", believe and have faith.

Use expectation to your advantage; say and think in the mode of what you want and you will have it.

You have the choice to be whatever you want to be in the moment. All we have is the moment.

Success is creating your future with the mindset you have today.

So you better create the most awesome mindset that you can create today.

You need to lead yourself and the by product is leading others.

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