Chapter 32

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"Hey ... I'm back" I say in a low voice.

"I don't know if you can hear me ..... I hope you had wonderful dreams honey ....

I brought some books and music ... I thought you might like to do something ...

You know, 2 days ago I cooked some cookies, you said you loved them ... and I was hoping you would have eaten at least one" I laugh slightly, looking up to keep my tears from falling.

"I'll cook them again when you wake up .... and I'll take you everywhere.
We can go to the beach, in the snow .... I'll take you to Mc Donald's! Or to eat a pizza ... or why not both? I'm sure you haven't had any of this in a long time .....

Uhmmm .... I brought you a stuffed animal .... it's an otter ..... I thought you might like it .... and I also brought "Beauty and the Beast" .... you said you loved Disney ... and this is one of my favorites, so I thought you might like it too ... "

So I sit next to her and open the book.

"Once upon a time...."

* 5 hours later

"Come on Charlie, give me a little sign ..." but then I think about it and I get closer to her.

"It's okay, take your time, I know you're trying, I'll wait for you." I lean down and kiss her head.

In that moment Uncle Davis enters the room.


I look at him.

"We need to talk"

I frown.

"Sit down honey" he says softly.

This worries me now.

"What is Davis?" I ask a little nervous.

"They arrested her parents for abuse and drug possession, now the verdict will be seen in court to find out how many years they will be in prison, probably for life"

At that notice a light turned in my eyes.

"But that's great! Why do you have that face?" I ask smiling a little.

"Luke" he takes a deep breath "Charlie's condition doesn't seem to be improving ...."

The only glimmer of hope in me was slowly fading.

"Her parents were responsible for her will in the event of an accident as she never left a will, but they took custody away from them ...".

I stare at him.

"Luke, the responsibility now lies with the hospital and if she's not better ..."

I start shaking my head no.

"They'll let her go .... I'm so sorry Luke"

I blinked a couple of times.
It can't be possible.

"T-they can't. They can't, right? I mean ... I'm right here! What about me? What about my opinion on this?" I raise the tone.

"Luke calm down-"


"Luke, I'll do everything in my power to delay this as much as possible, I'll take this responsibility myself if necessary, but we also have to face reality son-"

She will wake up.
I know this. "

"Luke, her brain doesn't seem to react to stimuli anymore-"

"Miracles happen in medicine, they teach us.
And she is more than a miracle Uncle Davis.
She is ... she's a blessing! "

He takes me in a huge hug as I cry loudly over his white coat.

"It's going to be okay son, I'll do everything I can for you two, okay? But you need to calm down."

I nod my head not trusting my voice.

It would have been a difficult road.

* 3 weeks later

"I went to school today .... Alayna is worried about you.
We all miss you ... me first of all.

Yesterday I took an important exam that maybe you don't care but" I laugh "I passed it. It went well. Maybe I'll become a really good doctor and surgeon like my father....but you don't have to worry about me ...I'm a puppy, I'll be a good one ..." I laugh.

"I was thinking of getting a dog .... it would be useful and they are adorable ..."

"I thin-"

"Luke" Uncle Davis's voice comes into the room and I turn to him.

"Congratulations, I heard about your exams, they were some difficult ones, I'm proud of you" he smiles at me.

"Thanks Davis" I nod with a smile.

"How are things going?" he asks, knowing the answer perfectly.

"Well" I lie. "Things are going well" I say trying to convince him.

"Yes, this and a thousand other lies you can tell yourself"

"I'm trying Dav" I say.

"I know honey, I know"

*A few days later

The last few days have passed as usual.

Today was another day.
It was cold and the hospital was full of people with the flu.

"Hey honey ... I brought you a hoodie ... I know you can't wear it now .... but if you wake up you can ... maybe you can hug it now, or just smell my amazing scent" I laugh a little 'putting my hand on hers.

"You can't even imagine what I'd do just to be with you one last time ..."

And in that moment I can swear, I felt the slightest pressure on my hand.

I look at her monitor pressing the nurse button.

Immediately a nurse rushed into the room.

"You called?"

"Yes, you have to get Dr. Harrison here and soon please" I let her know and she nods.

Even a minute later Davis was in the room.

"You called me?"

"Yeah ... Davis I swear I felt her hold my hand, I swear" I say quickly.

He frowned as he immediately grabbed a light to check her eyes.

He checked  everything before he starts talking to me.

"Honey, it all looks the same - ..." He starts saying softly and softly.

"I swear Davis, I swear on my life I felt it"

"And I believe you Luke, she could have a reflection or ... honey, are you sleeping well?"

"Do you think I could have imagined it? I'm not crazy I telling you I felt it" I say disappointed.

"No Luke, I know you're not crazy. I'm just saying that sometimes ... our minds ... can play bad tricks on us."

I was speechless.
Had I really imagined it all?

"You should probably go to sleep bud. I'll check her out, okay?"

I nod a little shaken and then I greet him ready to take my things.

As he leaves the room, I bend down to kiss her head.

"I know you really did. I'm so proud of you. Please show them all your strength, I'll be here for you" and with that I give her one last kiss before I leave and start driving to my house.

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