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You pick up the crown and remove the unique crystal from it, using the sharp edge of your dagger.

Once it is out, you turn around to make sure that Thutmose is still sleeping, yet you don't find him on the bed.

"So, the only reason you decided to sleep beside me tonight is to steal the crystal"

You gasp, when you get pulled on your feet by your hair.

Thutmose turns you around and forces you to look at him.

"Why do you want to leave me so bad? he asks.

Thutmose didn't look angry, the young pharaoh has a hurt expression on his face.

You show him your dagger and look at him.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay here as this is not my era" he frowns at you.

"Not your era?"

"If I don't take the crystal, my family would be in danger" he lets go of your hair.

"Tell me who is threatening you, and I will have them killed" you shook your head.

"You can't kill him, he won't die, I have to keep my family safe...he killed my fiance" you explain slowly.

"Promise me that you will return back, you have to promise me" he hugs you tightly.

"Promise that you will return back and become my wife"

You hug him back slowly before pulling away from him with a sad smile.

"I can't promise you that, Thutmose"

Suddenly Thutmose keeps pushing you backward until your back hits the edge of the window.

"If you can't be my wife, then you can't become the wife of another"

With that, he pushed you out of the window.

However, you quickly stab yourself with your dagger.


You expected to be transported to a different time era, instead you find yourself in a room with two other people.

And not only that but you are dressed in fancy modern clothes.

It's two men, one has light brown hair with light green eyes, while the other has black hair along with dark blue eyes.

They aren't bad, they are in fact handsome

"Who are you two?" you ask in English, as they stare at you.

"I'm Aleksy of Greece, and he is Matteo of Italy" The black-haired boy replies.

You look away and giggle, while Matteo scolds Aleksy.

Those must be the descendants of your great grandfather's best friends.

"Matteo of Italy? Is that how you introduce yourself to girls, no wonder why you are single"

"Me being single is none of your business, Matteo!"

You quickly cut in before the two get into a fight.

"That still doesn't explain, why are the three of us here" you point out.

Matteo shrugs at you, while Aleksy is quick to answer.

"I think Satan wants to ensure our loyalty towards him" you raise an eyebrow.


Suddenly the door to the room opens, and a man in his late twenties or early thirties enters, with two servants behind him.

The two servants held papers and knives

"Are you ready to sign the contract?"

"What type of contract?" Matteo inquires.

"Well, selling your soul, of course, silly," the man says brightly.

When Aleksy and Matteo were about to answer, you speak.

"No, never"

You reply, bringing the dagger up to your stomach, and pressing it in, to avoid selling your soul.

However, you don't transport.

Instead, you fall to the ground, while blood seeps out of your wound.

Everyone circles around you quickly.

"Someone call the ambulance!" Aleksy exclaims in worry.

"You are such an idiot" Matteo mocks you.

"Oh no, Lord Satan will be unhappy"

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now