Shopping Trip

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Rayne jumped out of bed and had a long, hard look at the wetness, as though trying to discern its realness, or will it to disappear. But it persisted, real, wet, cold, and slightly yellow. No matter how much she willed otherwise, it was still unmistakable evidence of her night time accident, especially when paired with the soaked clothes she was wearing.

Soon she gave up the battle and thought frantically to herself. "This is just a one time thing," she thought, trying to reassure herself. "Or just a temporary thing. If it doesn't happen again, I'm probably okay."

Of course, that was little comfort. Thanks to this little incident, she'll never be comfortable going out for the night again. Even this is a "one time" thing, it only needs to happen one time when she's in a vulnerable situation to humiliate her.

Plus, there was the issue of Friday night to consider. She'd already agreed to spend the night at Elise's, and while she could likely reschedule or even cancel, she really wanted that money. Even if this problem was temporary, she did not want to take such a big risk so close to this occurrence. And if there's anyone she wants to keep her bedwetting habits from, it's Elise. She already brings up the one incident more times than she should.

Rayne groaned to herself. She knew there was only one way out of this problem, and it was something that she's been avoiding for a long time. But it seems she has little choice at this point. She was going to need protection.

Rayne, of course, knew that it was the obvious solution to her bedwetting problem all along. But she hated the idea. It felt like giving up, and even the thought made her feel like a little child. But it seems as though she was out of options at this point; she needed a way to make sure she could hide her bedwetting from others while spending the night out.

She usually scheduled her sales for later in the day, and today was no exception. While she would usually take her time getting ready to go out and relaxing a little before leaving, she amended her schedule for a bit of shopping.

She quickly showered and got ready to leave the house. The outfit she had put together was perhaps a little over the top. Short sleeves to show her tattoos, provocative black clothing to accentuate her adult body, to ensure everyone around her knows she's an adult. However, once she arrived at the shop and felt the gaze of others, she felt that maybe she was coming off more like a child desperate to prove her maturity.

She made sure to drive quite far from home. After all, she didn't want to risk anyone she knows finding out she's buying pullups. She ended up at a small pharmacy in a quiet residential area. She entered the pharmacy and started browsing the shelves for the pullups and diapers.

There was absolutely no way she was going to get herself tape-on diapers. Buying protection at all was embarrassing enough for her. Buying diapers like that, clearly meant for complete lack of control? She couldn't stand the thought of how humiliating that would be. So instead, she had a look at the pullups, while nervously looking around to make sure no one else was in the aisle.

There were a lot of brands to choose from, and a lot of sizes. Rayne was fit and considered herself an average build, but she had no idea if that translated to being a "medium" in pullups or something else entirely. She started looking at the packs individually to try to figure out what she needed. And as she was absorbed in doing so, she heard a voice from behind her: "Can I help you?"

With a bit of a jump, she immediately put the pack she was holding back on the shelf and found herself face to face with a young woman, likely an employee. She was short and had a kind face.

"N-no thank you," Rayne said, with a blush, and immediately silently cursed her stutter for giving away her embarrassment at the situation.

The girl looked past Rayne at the products she was looking at. "Oh, okay," she said, with a knowing tone, causing Rayne to blush a little more. "I'll leave you to it, then," she said with a smile before walking away.

Rayne cursed herself. She knew her suspicious behaviour had likely given away the fact that she was buying these pullups for herself. She was thoroughly embarrassed and couldn't stop blushing, but she had prepared for this. This is exactly why she went so far from home.

Wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, she picked a brand called Molicare and walked out with a pack each of small, medium, and large pullups. She was pretty confident that one of these sizes would be her size.

She grabbed the three packs and took them to the counter, where she found the same girl that had tried to help her. "Oh, hello again," she said cheerfully, smiling a little as she looked over the packs of pullups. "Found what you needed, then?"

Rayne just stayed silent, blushing a little as the girl scanned the items. She swiftly tapped her card to pay, and after the packs were bagged and handed to her, the girl smiled again and said, "Good luck!"

Rayne simply walked out the door and returned to her car. She dumped the pullups into the backseat and drove home. After arriving, she took them into her house and shoved them in the back of a closet, away from any potential prying eyes.

With that unpleasant chore completed, it was time to get to her schedule. She had sales to make, after all.

Fortunately, her sales were uneventful, fast, and lucrative. As her day was much busier than the day before, it was already pretty late by the time she got back. Late enough to be considering sleeping at any rate.

So it was finally time to do what she'd been dreading all this time. After changing out of her clothes and into her pajama top, She pulled out the three packs of pullups and opened the packet of small ones. She unfolded it and, after some hesitation, tried to pull it on. It did go all the way up, but it was a little too snug.

She tried a medium instead, and it was a much more comfortable fit. It was weird having the thickness between her legs. It was a constant, embarrassing reminder that she still had problems keeping dry over the night. But it should help her hide her problem.

She laid down in her bed, hoping that the previous night had just been a fluke, and that she'd wake up dry the next morning and every morning after that. It took some time with the unfamiliar mass between her legs, but eventually she fell asleep.

And the following morning, after several hours of sleep, she woke up. She didn't feel the familiar cold, wet, clamminess of her soaked clothes and bedsheets clinging to her, and she breathed a sigh of relief, assuming, in her sleepy haze, that this really was a simple one-time fluke.

And then she realised that her relief as a little premature, as she felt a squishy, clammy mass between her legs. Lifting her bedsheets, she saw that it wasn't that she hadn't wet herself. It was that the protection she wore did its job. Her pullup was swollen and sagging. Clearly soaked.

This issue wasn't just a one-day fluke, but something that had persisted for two days so far. And tonight, she had an agreement to stay over at the house of the one person she desperately wished to hide this information from the most.

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