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Wonder POV

With my head pounding I let Shekra ramble on, waiting for the call to leave.

'This is perfect. We've got a tele ability and as it advances we can easily find that last tracker. Considering all the tech here didn't help.'


'We know the tracker is here. We can easily advance the powers, maybe read a few minds, get some dark secrets, use it as black mail, take over the world...'

'Yea.' I mumbled my head buzzing from the drone of added voices in the background of my head.

'You aren't even listening to me.'

Noticing she caught on to me I pulled myself back in, "Is that a surprise? You've been going on about the same thing for the past hour and my head feels like its being set on fire."

'I'm being helpful. We could even use it to get rid of the pesky knowledge that some people have learned.'


"You could at least act like you're listening. I'm trying to solve problems here."

"Don't lie. You are only excited because tele-abilities usually mean a crash which means you might get to take over so don't act like you are being all noble. It doesn't suit you."

'You don't have to be so rude.'

"Just stating a fact. If you want to help let's figure out how to get the trackers to reveal themselves."

'Oh trust me that is the easy part. All you have to do is make a scene and they'll come running.'

"A scene?"

'Blow stuff up, show off some powers, make it known its you. That sort of thing.'

"How am I suppose to make a scene? Can't let the team know I suddenly am this crazy mutated human."

Even without a face I could tell she was smiling.

"I guess that leaves us with one choice."

"I could always morph."

"We both know that is not a choice that will slide."

Robin POV

Soon the team was informed the witch mission was to be postponed till the coming harvest full moon. So all we could do was wait.

"Waiting sucks." Wally grumbled throwing another cheese ball in the air to catch.

"Do we want to play a game?" M'gann always trying to cheer everyone up asked.

"For three months?"

"No but we could play something now." She forced a smile looking around the room.

No one looked to be in the mood. Wonder still hadn't come out of her room, Zatanna's anger was palpable and everyone else was trying to remain calm through the situation.

"Um I'm gonna head home. Anyone wanna join?" Wally commented after eating his last cheese ball. He gave a glance to Artemis.

"Sorry I've got to stay here," I said knowing he wasn't really looking for me to come anyways. He'd be happier if he could get Artemis to hang out.

Artemis stood with a roll of her eyes, "Anything is better then waiting here for nothing to happen."

"Anyone else?" Wally made a quick attempt to sound like it was an open offer, "Well okay, call us if anything happens."

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