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Batman POV

Receiving my apprentice's message I headed to our base and contacted him, "Robin report to the cave."

"On my way."

Without having to wait longer then a few minutes my apprentice soon arrived in the Batcave.

"Tell me what happened." I asked getting directly to the message's topic.

"Wonder and Conner were sparring and out of no where he suddenly starts flashing heat vision."

"Wonder and him?"


"What about before that?"

"We did thought speech training. The team was blindfolded and a leader has to instruct everyone on catching the teacher."

"And nothing out of the ordinary happened?"

"No, Wonder was a bit panicked but she did well. No powers."

Leaning back in my chair I thought hard. Somehow this was connected to Wonder. But how? Maybe it was time to try Dick's suggestion. "Do you still think you could pull off introducing Wonder to Richard Grayson?"

His face lit up at my question, "Yes! Definitely!"

"Have you learned anything from Wonder as Robin?"

"Nothing helpful."

Hesitantly I gave my permission, "Fine, figure out a day and make sure Alfred is aware. Set it up and lay out your plan for me."

"Yes sir!" He turned to run off.

"Dick wait."

Doing as commanded he gave me a questioning look, "Yea?"

"This needs to be flawless. We don't know enough about her to give up our identities. Do you understand the weight of the situation?"

His facial features switched from a happy child to the serious ward, "Yes sir."

Taking his word for it I dismissed him then worked on getting in contact with Clark. If Conner was using again Superman needed to know and work with his apprentice.

Robin POV

It'd been almost a week since I was given the go ahead by Bruce to enact my plan even with the random power boost everyone seemed to gain and today was the day. Everything and everyone was prepped and ready. Barring any random villain attacks Kaida was going to meet Richard Grayson today.

Stepping up to her door I knocked, "Hey it's me."

The door opened and I silently thanked Bruce for the mask as my eyes widened. I was so use to seeing Wonder in her over sized sweatshirt and loose pants that the simple change in attire caught me off guard.

Form fitting jeans with a blue flannel and a white undershirt showed off her beautiful fit figure. Her dark hair for once down, flowing over her shoulders. Black boots rose up just below her knees completing the outfit.

"Um do I look alright?" She cautiously asked her hand raising to her neck as she began fiddling with the simple necklace, "You said he is a good friend of yours, I thought maybe I should look...decent."

"Yes!" I quickly tried to back track from my outburst hiding my blush, "I mean you look aster, He'll love it!"

"I'm glad." Her simple words sent a stronger heat to rise in my body.

Giving an awkward cough I turned, "We should probably head out. Don't want to keep him waiting."

Without too much else said we got on my bike and headed towards the Wayne Manor. The longer the ride went on the tighter her fists clenched onto my shirt. We arrived and she peeled her whitening knuckles out of the tangle of cloth. Once off of my bike her hand instantly flew to her neck fiddling with the simple stone.

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