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Wonder POV

Waking up to a splitting headache I struggled to tolerate the normal banter going around the breakfast table.

"If you were going to actually get sick we could have just waited instead of relying on your terrible acting skills."

'We both know I can't actually get sick. Just take the pain back.'

"This time it isn't me."

At her words I shot up startling the group.

"Wonder what's wrong?" A team member asked but I was too distracted to pinpoint the voice.

If this wasn't pain from her that meant I was getting an ability. Crap! Ignoring the questioning gazes I bolted.

I have to get away!

'Why didn't you say anything?!'

"You know when you're getting abilities not me!"

Stumbling outside the headache grew. 

'Got to find a place to...' I trailed off searching for a blind spot in the cameras. There the sheer cliff side of the mountain. Sending an altered image to the cameras I teleport to the safe area and found a small ledge. Landing I curled into a tight ball.

'What am I getting this time? Please not density. Anything but density!' My thoughts grew more desperate as the pain increased.

My brain felt like it was on fire then a burst of pain lead into darkness.


Blinking through the light filtering through the clouds, I worked on waking myself up.

"Urg," A dull ache reminded me why I was outside, "What..." I trailed off as crusted flakes of blood fell from my finger tips when I touched my head.

"It seems your brain exploded."

"Seems so." That means.... "I've got a tele ability."

"That is often what such an adverse reaction means."

"But already?"

"You've gotten them as your first power before."

"Yea but it isn't common."

"Well you have it now. Which do you think you have?"

"Any would be helpful. And as it advances I'll get the others."

Glancing at a small stone on the ledge with me, I stared at it willing it to move with my mind. Nothing happened.

"Not telekinesis."


Sticking my hand out I tried commanding energy to gather into my hand. Again nothing.

"Not energy..."

"Do you plan to narrate everything I do? If my attempt doesn't work. Obviously it's not that. I don't need you telling me that."

"You are so grouchy when you wake up. We could get along if you..."

"Wait shh."

"Don't hush me!"

"Shut up! Listen!"

Distant chatter could be heard in the silence.

Not wanting to be silent that long due to being told to she spoke,"Telepathy it is."

"Thank you for clarifying."

"Anytime." Her short answer was swallowed by the voices beginning to filter louder through my mind. "Can you shut those voices up? They're getting annoying."

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