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Batman POV

"They're over here!" Flash called running back to the ship I'd just landed.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. It looks like who I'm assuming was the one they were fighting is dead."


"Yea, and Batman..."


"They're all hurt. Bad."

A cold strike hit me at those words. Keeping my steeled composure I moved into action, "Flash triage. I'll get the medical bays set up. Get the worse ones here first."

Flash was off as I quickly began working. Who was he going to bring first?

"Here Batman." Flash placed Wonder on the table, "I'm sorry...Robin is next. Both aren't looking so well."

"Go get him." I growled rushing to work on Wonder. She looked awful. I had no idea how she was alive at all. Her stomach was gaping open and she was covered in blood. She has a pulse but if Robin looks like her...

Giving a small shake I kept my thoughts on what to do next.

"Here's Robin. Where do you want me to start putting the others?"

"Get them all in put them in order from worst to best lining up with the beds. Hurry!"

Flash said something about hurrying as he ran off.

Glancing at Robin I saw he was almost as bad as Wonder, burns covered his legs, blood dripping from his head and chest, along with shallow breathing I was concerned how long he would make it.


A voice shook me from my thoughts.

"Wonder!" The surprise continued to grow as she rose up from her laying position. She shouldn't be able to talk let alone sit up! "Lay back down!"

"I'm fine."

"No you are not. Lay down." I growled. She needs to save her strength.

"I'm fine. Focus on Robin."

"Wonder you..."

"I'm fine! I have healing."

"What?" I stared at her stomach as the wound healed over quickly.

"Help Robin." She repeated slipping off the table. Wonder kept her head down eyes trained to the floor.

Walking over to a corner she crouched pulling her knees to her chest.

I wanted to ask more questions but Robin needed attention and Wonder's life was safe.

Kaida POV

Batman's thoughts became clouded as soon as Robin was mentioned.

"He's worried Dick might not make it."

'So?' I muttered laying there.

"You are going to let Bruce waste his time healing you and let his apprentice die?"

'What do I care?' My harsh words almost surprised me but in this mindset I couldn't be bothered to care. I was so focused on keeping my wounds open, pain, my fight with the tracker, the memories it brought back. I didn't have time to care.



Shekra POV

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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