Professor Peck

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One Day at Lincoln county high, a new literature teacher was introduced. His name was professor Gregory Peck. He was a very handsome young man and very respectable too.

When the Principal's niece came to town and started getting all of the boys(Except Billy and Jimmy) in the school's attention. Four girls (Naomi,mia,cerise, and Lou) decided that two could play at this game. So they went and asked Professor Peck's help. He wasn't to keen on the idea of flirting with a bunch of high school girls. But, he couldn't allow them to have their hearts broken so he consented to help. The girls started going over and talking to him at lunch time and they would pretend to be all starry eyed over him in class. It got the boys attention alright! Cody especially began to strongly dislike the young professor. Mia was HIS girlfriend, and besides the professor guy was like 21 or 22 yrs old. The other boys also disliked the professor, all thoughts of Penelope wayne were gone when it came down to possibly losing their girls. The boys decided to show Professor peck that the girls were theirs when he explained everything to them. Shocked and a little sad that their girls felt so jealous and unhappy really hurt. The girls made their boyfriends' lives miserable for a few days after. Then everyone got back together again.

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