Chapter 6

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After I left the kitchen, I went to my bedroom. I found that it wasnt deleted like last time. 

I went to my bed and flopped down onto my bed. 

"Close and lock the door. Don't let the Doctor in. And turn the lights off. Please and thank you." I mumbled to the Tardis.She did as I said.

A few hours later, there was a faint knock at my door. Grrrrrrrr.... I just want to sleep. 

I opened the door to see the fake Doctor I had met befor. I started walking backwards. I was a few feet away when he turned and started to followed me. I was so scared. I started runnung. I looked behind me. He was still following me. I tuened a corner. He followed. Again. 

"Oh my god," I said under my breath. This isn't good for the baby. I ran to the real Doctor's room. 

I found a camerabefore I got there. I grabbed it and a picture of it. I didn't want to sound crazy if he dissapeared again. 

When I got to the Doctor's room, he was still up.No surprize there. 

He looked up at me shocked.

"Firestone. You are needed in the hallway. Come now or be forced to come," a booming voice said. I'm guessing that's the fake Doctor's voice speaking.

When I went into the hallway, there he was. The real Doctor followed me. 

"Is that me? But I'm right here! How can I be there!?!?" The real Doctor asked. 

The fake Doctor came closer. When he reached us, he made the real Doctor fly back.

"Oh my god! Are you ok!? Don't you dare regenerate on me. And you! You're a fake! You just hurt the love of my life! You jerk!You can't just do that!" I yelled. He looked at me right in the eye and left,"Good. Ok, Doctor. Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Did anything happen to you?" I ranted. I was really worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said. But when he tried to get up, he fell. I walked over to him and helped him up. 

"You don't seem ok, Doctor. I'm helping you no matter what you say to try and stop me," I told him.

"Fine. What was that?Do you know?" he asked like i did know and wasn't telling him

"No, I don't. I came to ask you but obvously you don't know," I responded.

I walked into his room. He followed behind me with a chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You just look really cute," he answered. I truned away from him and blushed. I should be used to this, but it still puts butterflies in my stomach. 

I layed down in his bed. He layed down next to me and wrapped me in him arms. His warmth is so nice to have around. And his smell/ Oh gosh, his smell. I love his smell. I love everything about him. I love him.

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