Chapter 5

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I found the jumpies. Finally. When I walk in, I find the Doctor right away, looking at me with worry all over his face with a side of happyness. 

"What happened? what took you so long?" he asked, panicking.

"I got loct. You never showed me around this place, so in return, I got lost. She is so big. i have forgotten how confusing she can be," I say, smiling as I look around. He walks over to me and wraps his warm, loving arms around me. I hug him back, being as he is warm and I should most likely hug him back being as I'm his girlfriend.

"Hey, I have to get something really quick. Be right back," he called to me over his sholder as he ran out like a little kid etting cotton candy.

I ran to the closest jumpie and started to jump. Well, what else would you do, have the Olimpics in here? Hahahano.

After a while of jumping and no sign of the Doctor, i laied down and fell asleep. What? I'm a pregnut lady in a jumpie, I have the right to sleep here. 

I woke up in the air to the Doctor jumping around like a little kid.

"What did you get?" I asked him.

"Cotton candy," he said while I giggled a bit at this. He is still jumping and making me go flying around in the air.

At one point when I came down, I landed on my head. It was funny, bu then it really hurt.

The Doctor came rushing over to my side, asking if I was ok.

"Doctor," I said, stopping him from talking,"I'm fine, just tired."

"Then lets go to bed, love," he said, being very kind to me, as he just made me fall and hit my head.

We walk into the halway together, but soon I turn to my room.

"Hey, Firestone? Do you , um, want to , um, want to , um, come to my room for the night? I just, um, want you to be safe," he stutters. I smile at this.

"Yeah, ok....." I said. I know he just wants me to come into his room for a while. He wuvs meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. 

When we get to his room, we change into our pjs, climb into bed, and the Doctor fell asleep. I stayed up, getting really cold. I curl up against the Doctor for warmth. 

As if he could read my mind, he woke up just enough so he could wrap me in the blanket with him. Then he fell back asleep, with me curled up, and him wraping me in his arms.

The next morning, i woke up but the Doctor wasn't next to me. He's in the kitchen then.

I slowly walk into the kitchen, without making a sound. And sure enough, he is in there.

I walk up not him without making a sound.

"Boo!!!" we yelled at the same time. He heard me.We were both laughing really hard by now. I was now laying on the ground in a corner with a laughing Doctor on the table.

"I'll be right back, I have to go grab my spoon for more ice cream," I said as I turned to leave.

Right as  was about to walk out of the kitchen, something hit my back. I looked behind me on the floor to see a blue berry muffin. I bend down and pick it up, knowing the Tardis kept it clean for me. I look up at the Doctor who thew another muffin at me.

"Pick this muffin up, right now," I ordered him.

"Yes, Mother," the Doctor said. 

I scowled at him. Fear was in his eyes and was gone just as fast. I turned and left the kitchen.

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