Chapter 7

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When I woke up, he was still in bed with me. He was also still sleeping with his arms around me. The room got a little colder. Actully, it got a lot colder.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" i SCREAMED. Oh my god. Someone tapped my sholder. Well, now the Doctor is up. He looked a little scared. If he is scared, I'm  scared to death. He held me closer and tighter to him. I snuggled into him and let him gared me with his life.

I could't think of what to do next. I heard the Doctor yell something.


No Doctor. He didnt speak.

I started to cry. The Doctor looked down at me. He wiped my hair out og my face. I burried my face farther into his warmth. The held me tighter. I cried harder. I couldn't stop the tears. They just kept coming. I felt something on my sholder again. 

I turned around to see the fake Doctor.

"Yoou will come," it spoke. I turned back around and held onto the real Doctor with all my will. The fake Doctor grabbed me. The real Doctor held me tight again. The fake Doctor pulled me. The real Doctor held onto me for the life of him.

The fake won. He pulled me away into his world.

"She's here. What do I do?" he asked. He sounded a bit.... I don't know... just... diffterent.

He pulled off his face(weird) and then his face(weirder!). The man underneath was cute and had a bowtie.

"Ya see? I told you I could get her, Amy. You should have listened," he said. What? Who is he? Who is Amy? WHAT IS GOING ON??????

"Where am I?" I asked because I'M REALLY CONFUSED! 

"You told me she would recognize you, Doctor! You lied," the scottish girl scoffed.

Haha. I should have known from the bowtie.

"I should have known from the bowtie.," i relaied my thoughts,"I'm sorry, but i think you look better in your tenth regenaration. What with the blue pinstripe suit. Now you just look rediculos."

"I know! He is emberessing to have following me around!" the girl laughed with me.

"Oi! I don't follow you! You follow me!" the Doctor protested. 

"Yes you do," Amy and I said in unison. We laughed at that. The Doctor pouted. I smiled even more. My Doctor never really did that. Not even for fun.

"Does the Tardis still have my room?" I asked.

"Oh. Right. Ok. This way, my love," he said. I blushed. I am tired because of what just happened and now I want a nap.

"Is it in the same spot?" I asked.

"Yep," he smiled. And with that, I raced off. When I got to my room, I sat down on the bed. The Doctor walked in after a minute or two.

"See? You do follow us around," I said. The Doctor sat next to me. I layed my head on his shoulder. I love him no matter what regenaration he was in. But with this one, I feel a bit out of place. I dont know why.

I layed down, the Doctor doing the same. I think I fell asleep soon after.

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