Chapter 4

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We were on the roof of the Tardis which was sitting in the time vortex, eating cookies & cream ice cream. My hair is just about everywhere it can reach.

"Doctor, the ice cream tub is empty. I need a new one," I begged him with my eyes and voice. 

"Are you sure? You already have had ten tubs of it."

I am walking abound with a Time Lord/Lady in me. Of course I'm sure. Why else would I ask? Duh!

"Yeah, I'm sure. Can I come with? I don't want to stay here by myself. Again. Oh! There is a jumpie room, right? Lets go jump!" I cheered.

"Okay, we can jump in the jumpies. AS LONG AS you stop eating ice cream," he said.

"It's a deal," I said. Who cared about ice cream when you have JUMPIES!?!?!?!?!?!?

As I was running around the hallways, trying to find the room with jumpies.

"Where is this place?" I asked myself in a whisper. 

I was looking around when a voice from behind me said,"There you are, Firestone. I have been looking everywhere for you! Have you been here the whole time? Why didn't you come? I was waiting for you but you never came."

I turned to see.... the Doctor? No, that's not him. That one has a green pinstriped suit. My Doctor has a blue pinstriped suit. I didn't know what to do, so I walked away and walked around for about another hour before I found the jumpies.

                (Author's Note)

Sorry this is a shorter chapter. I couldn't think of much to write. Thank you to who ever reads this. This is my first story that I am going to finish. I don't know if there will be a second book, there won't be much to go off of. Oh well. I have time to think, right?

Right, so what did you guys think so far? Tell me in the comments!

So a lot of people have a nickname for their readers, and I want one for you guys, so could you help me think of one? Thank you guys so much!

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