Chapter 8

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It was weird, my dream, I was with my Doctor again. I know this one is my Doctor. I know they are the same Time Lord. It's just not the same. I want to go back.

I could't help it. I curled up into a ball and cried. I couldn't stop. I wanted to go back. I wanted to be with the tenth Doctor again. I want to be in his Tardis.

Some one sat down next to me. Was I really sobbing that loud?

"I knew this was a bad idea. I told him not to. He should have listened," it was a girls voice. I turned to Amy.

"You don't take a girl from her home. I told him that. But he just said that the Tardis is your home no matter what it looks like. Well, that's not true," she said. I like Amy. I'm glad the Doctor will travel with her. But I still want to go back.

"How did he get you here?" she asked.

"Um, by force. I didn't want to come. He made me. He took me from my Tardis home. He forced me to," I said, thinking of my Doctor even more. I started to cry more.

"Do you guys want some tea? Oh, crying from Firestone. Never mind. What happened?" he asked.

"Did you really take her by force? Did you think of what it would do to her? No, because you only think of yourself. You need to get her back," she stated. She sounds really angry at the Doctor.

"I will. I just. I thought," he stuttered.

"Yeah. You don't have an answer," Amy said scary calmly.

I got up and walked away from this. The only thing it did was make things worse to me. I had to get out of here. Fast.

But where would I go? My Doctor isn't here. This is Amy's Doctor. I just want to go home. But how? I needed a break.

I walked out of the Tardis and found a small cafe. I grabbed some money from the Tardis and went to the coffee shop. The people were eating. Wait. No they aren't. It looks like it, but they aren't. Some put the spoon in the bowl, lifted it to their mouth where nothing happened, and repeated.

I ran to get the Doctor, But the Tardis was gone. He left. Then it reappeared.

When the door opened, my Doctor stepped out. I didn't have time to hug him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the cafe.

"Well hello to you, too, Firestone," he said.

"Look," I said, pointing to the 'people'.

"And? They are just people eating," he said like I'm the stupid one.

"No. Really look. They aren't eating," I panicked.


"Yeah. What do we do?"

"We run?" he questioned.

"SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!" I yelled and took off. I'm so scared!

My first thought was to run to the Tardis and forget it happened. Then I remembered I could never do that. The Doctor can't either.

The machine of a person was right behind us. The Doctor grabbed my hand and we ran, not stopping.

We ran around the corner and hid there.

Something made me feel uneasy. Everything went dark after that.

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