Chapter Twenty-One

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(Delkele's POV)

I was incredibly irritated. Now, how could I possibly be irritated when my life was finally starting to fall into place? After such a nice night with Jox, one would think I would be in a happier mindset; a better place, if you will. But no, I couldn't even have that. And it was all thanks to Elphes, who sat across from me with a face so smug, I wanted to punch it. Punch it and, as Asurah would probably do, throw him into a river of lava. Like, that bastard had no right to look so smug, as if he were finally getting his way. Which...he kind of was, but not in the sense he was probably thinking.

Still though, every twitch the prick made had me gripping my tablet harder and harder, until I eventually had to put it down before it shattered in my grip. Holographic tablets were expensive, after all, and I didn't want to go out of my way to purchase another one, especially now.

"So..." I cleared my throat, causing Elphes' gaze to snap towards me, "I was thinking, if it is alright with you, if Emylle and I could have a traditional Narakkan wedding, instead of a mix between Narakkan and Eterian? I just feel more comfortable being at least a little acquainted with the traditions of"

Elphes stared at me for a moment, scratching his chin before he pursed his lips and nodded, folding one long leg over the other. "And has Emylle agreed to such terms?" I nodded my head, causing Elphes to continue. "Then I don't see why not. It is your planet, after all. I shouldn't have to force our Eterian customs onto you."

Like you forced this marriage on me? I thought snidely, leaning back in my seat before grabbing my tablet.

I paused scrolling through the different possible venues when Elphes stood up, placing his hands into his pockets as he stared down his nose at me. "Now I understand Naraka doesn't have much in the way of as a wedding gift, so to speak, Planet Eter will provide the funds for this...celebration." I tensed when he began walking towards me and stood up, my body resting itself for defense before the other man stopped in front of me, eyes hard. "Now, I shouldn't have to remind you how generous I'm being towards you and your people. I'm providing you a life without war, as well as weapons to defend yourself, just in case. So remember that in case any...dangerous thoughts cross through that pretty head of yours."

He tapped the side of my head with his long, bony finger, and it took all I had to not smash his head into my desk for even thinking he could touch me like that. Gods I wanted to hurt him, but I refrained as usual, and instead, ripped my gaze away from his, hating the way that satisfied smirk fell across his lips.

He then took a step away from me, nodding his head before he made his way to the study door casually, as if he didn't try to subtly threaten me yet again. "Excellent. Now, I'm going to talk to my treasury advisor so we can calculate an appropriate budget for the wedding. Hmm...yes, I think a month should be more than enough time to have everything in order. And in that time, I will contact you about venues and other things you may need for the Narakkan wedding." He inclined his head. "Until next time, King Delkele."

And with that last, condescending statement, he left, leaving me to finally let my frustrations out by picking up a small table next to me and throwing it harshly against the wall, just as a familiar pale figure walked inside.

"I take the meeting didn't go well?" Jox inquired as he walked over to me and cupped my cheek, his closeness causing warmth to flood through me.

I sighed and leaned into his touch, happy that I had someone I trusted to vent to about Elphes and his annoyingly stupid face. "The bastard was acting all smug and arrogant, thinking he won against me." I shook my head and sunk back into my chair, dragging a hand through my crimson locks. "He's making it out like I owe him, and it's incredibly irritating, and the bastard is getting under my skin like one one has before, and you know what that bastard said? That Eter will provide creds for my wedding because "Naraka doesn't have much in the way of funds". Freaking condescending bastard." I sighed again and dropped my head onto my desk, loving the way the polished wood cooled my heated forehead. "I'm just tired of being pushed around by pricks who think they're bigger and better than me."

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