The one whos numb

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Chapter 5
Not edited.

Monroe "Moonie" White.

Rain poured down onto my Car's windshield which kind of mimicked the way my tears were streaming down my face as i gripped the Saturn ions steering wheel so hard my knuckles were turning white.

I was inside the parking lot of the mechanic shop. The day had barely started being that it was a quarter until 10 in the morning. Not only was i in shambles i was also late for work. I just couldn't really get myself together to go in just yet.

The absence of my father has been really heavy on my mind the last few days. I couldn't eat, i couldn't sleep, all i could do for the most part was think about him. What kept me afloat was work. Back at home i felt suffocated, being inside that apartment made me feel like the walls were closing in, i was constantly reminded of him as if that isn't hard enough i was also tired of being the parent. tired of having to discipline my brother, the constant disrespect from him was truly wearing me out. He was angry, Shit i was angry too. I was angry at our dad, my mom and even our older brother Nathaniel but i still try to keep it together for the sake of him.

Wiping the tears from my eyes with a napkin from my glove compartment, I'm sure this napkin was probably from some fast food restaurant. I bottle everything back up inside stepping out of my car placing my hood on and running into the shop in some sort of effort to protect myself from the rain.

That's what i hate about Detroit weather. It could be scorching hot one day and cold and rainy the next.

"Morning Nae" i say greeting the front desk associate, she smiles at me saying good morning girl as i make a bee line to the back heading into the employee locker room.

On the wall i use the electronic system that allows us to clock in and out, before heading to my corner locker placing my wet hoodie inside, pulling out a clean navy jumpsuit with the word moonie etched in white in the right corner of it. i take my shoes off using the heels of my foot before putting my right leg in the jumpsuit and then left, jumping up until i get it all the way up my body.

After zipping my jumpsuit up i then sit down pulling out a pair of black steel boots that we had to wear and placing my Michigan bike dunk lows and the rest of my belongings into my locker slamming it shut.

I make my way to what we like to call "the pit" which is the first floor of the shop.

"Yooooo" i hear Low's voice shout out which makes me snap my head to the direct i heard it come from seeing him looking at me with his hands on the Apple computer mouse.

Low smiles at me as i walk closer to him "Ummm where you been Miss Ma'am?" He questions. I'm assuming he's referring to my tardiness.

"I had to handle a few things" i shrug bumping him with my hip taking the computer mouse to pull up my assignment schedule. I typically work on the custom orders which are upstairs on the 2nd floor of the building.

" yo eyes red as hell, you smoke?" He questions which causes me to look up at his skinny 6'2 until i reached his doughy brown eyes.

"Shut up low, you know i dont smoke" i say as i squint my eyes at home giving him a funny look.

"Ion know shit, people can change they minds" he says and i nod my head in agreement as i looked at the schedule again.

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