The one who Overcompensates

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Chapter 4
Not edited.

Phoenix "Payne" Henderson

" yoooo" My little brother Zahair calls out as he bust into my office door with a bag in his hands.

I shoot him a hard glare holding one finger up as a sign to give me a second before he starts talking in his usual loud manner.

" Ok mi amigo, nos encontraremos pronto para discutir nuestro envío de golosinas" okay my friend, i will meet you soon to discuss our shipment of sweet treats Says Luis from over the phone.

Luis and i were discussing the best time to meet in efforts to make our exchange. I would be providing him with 50 gen 4 glock 19s and 50 Beretta M9 most people in this world knew that i refer to my products as sweets. He order glazed chocolate donuts which are glocks and chocolate iced donuts which are Berettas.

You could only get in contact with me through referral and Luis was referred years ago. We've been working together for a long time and I've done a few favors for him that i plan to cash out on one day.

Zahair looks at me and mouths "who is that?" And i just looked at him like he was stupid. Once he realized i wasn't going to tell him he stuck up the middle finger.

" suena bien, lo espero con ansias. adiós" sounds good, i look foward to it. good bye i reply.

I knew 42 different languages.

"Adios mi amigo" good bye my friend he replies before hanging up.

"I know your mama taught you to knock on a door before you enter"  i say giving Zahair an annoyed look.

" Ooooo i should call and tell her you being disrespectful" Zahair joked before plopping down in the chair in front of my desk and putting this bag of phones that he had in his hands inside the large cellphone box i had to prevent phone tapping.

He knew what was up, I didnt trust anything.

" Snitch bitch " i reply putting my phone inside the box as well as i shake my head.

My mama didn't play , she would come down here a fuck some shit up. Don't mess with Jesse Henderson, she's been on this earth for 50 years ain't nothing new to her.

Zahair bust out laughing " bro fuck you, you ready to do this? I got places to be people to see"

"Where you need to be?" I questioned giving him a look.

"You in my business? Don't do that" he said cocking his lips to the side and shaking his head.

I smack my lips before placing my palms flat on my desk pulling myself up out my chair. "I really didn't care what you had to do"

"Welllll if you going to keep asking, i might as well tell you. I'm going on a date tonight"  Zahair says smiling showcasing his dimples.

I give a good once over of his attire and i instantly frown. Zahair sported a baby blue Nike tech, fresh out the box air force 1s, 3 thick chain silver Cubans, a silver iced out pinky ring and a silver Audemars  Piguet. He even had his grills in his mouth.

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