3// afternoon tea

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the next morning when jisung woke up from the catnap he'd been taking, minho was already gone off to the store. for the days he'd spent here alone, not even once had granny sent him to buy anything in the village, let alone outside of it but maybe it was the privilege of the eldest.

he wouldn't want to have to go to a different village 6 kilometres away on foot anyways. though he kind of wanted to go outside.

after breakfast, granny made him wash and chop fruits finely, and make them into jam. truth be told, he felt like it was more of a way to keep him entertained, rather than a task that was on the waiting list. maybe granny was trying to find a way to do something together with him.

when minho wasn't back until lunch jisung got worried, but only after they had their afternoon tea did he express his concern.

"my brother hasn't come home yet. should we search for him? maybe he got lost.."

granny huffed, "isn't he the older sibling? why would you worry about him?," she scolded harshly, "he can take care of himself! if he got lost he will find the way back," she deadpanned and took her cup from the little tray, "did you wash the blueberries?"

jisung nodded. he couldn't do much by himself anyway, since he had neither been to that shop, nor had minho's phone number. he stood up to wash the glasses.

"no, leave that," the woman shouted at him briskly, "you go clean the raspberries," she instructed and he mumbled an 'okay' and took the bucket to wash them outside.

"use this sink," she pointed to the one beside her, "it's hot outside, i want to wash the teapot there and let it dry," she explained and took the unfinished cup from grandpa's hands, put in on the tray and went outside to wash them. it was a cloudy day and the weather was anything but good, with lightning striking in the distance.

jisung washed and cleaned the raspberries from the stems, then boiled them and squished them into a jam that he was later going to boil again with the other fruits to make mixed fruit jam.

the whole procedure made no sense but he wasn't going to protest against it because he wasn't in a position to argue. also, grandpa's judgemental eyes on him as he was doing as instructed were disturbing.

a little before 4, minho returned. he was furious and carrying a full bag of products, very heavy probably, and he stormed in with a snort and left the bag on the kitchen table. jisung turned to him, startled, but minho just pulled a chair briskly and sat into it.

"aren't you late," granny's squeaky voice exclaimed as she walked in after him and started taking out the flour, eggs, noodles, tomatoes, rice, beans and vegetables he had brought. jisung furrowed his brows but moved over so she could arrange them in the cupboards.

he had seen her bring in the exact same things two days ago when it was shopping day in this village. she couldn't have used them all until now.

"granny, you didn't tell me which village it was," minho replied, trying his best not to offend her, though he was clearly irritated, "i thought there was only one! i stopped by at all the ones on my way until i found a store!"

"what? i thought you were an intelligent young man," she reproached and her grey eyes looked outside, "you should search for a bigger village if you want a shop. the other hamlets are about the same size as this one."

minho's jaw clenched but he smacked his lips together and nodded, "anyways. can i have something to eat now? i haven't eaten since last night."

jisung bit his lip. now he was glad he hadn't been sent to the store but he felt horrible for his brother of fate.

"bring him tea," she called out loudly and jisung immediately obeyed, though she didn't say a name, "we'll have dinner in a few hours," she deadpanned to minho's unhappy expression.

"here you are," jisung quietly muttered as he handed the cup.

"thanks," minho smiled but jisung didn't want to get scolded so he nodded and got back to his task of making jam, "granny, can i at least have some bread until then?"

"we don't have any. i'll make some for dinner," she returned and sat down on an armchair, next to grandpa who was snoring, finally not looking at jisung's work.

"do you want some jam?," the shorter boy sheepishly asked.

"i could have some. must be delicious," minho smiled and tiredly tried to lift himself off the table.

"here," jisung whispered and brought him a small plate with some strawberry jam on it. he knew minho didn't like blueberries much, or at least he didn't way back, and he picked out the best fruits.

"you forgot olive oil," granny suddenly interrupted. the two turned to look at her on the armchair, "you need to go back again tomorrow."

jisung saw her use oil while making lunch. the bottle was at least half full. maybe she was mistaken.

"there's enough, granny, he doesn't have to buy more yet.."

"oh, what do you understand of feeding a house, boy?," she squeaked against him, "it will be over in a day! we're feeding 4 people after all!"

she was taking this too far but maybe it was a grandma thing. jisung was never close to his relatives so he couldn't really tell.

"alright. i know where to go now. it won't take that long," minho replied, obviously also trying to keep the lady from getting angry.

she nodded, "and don't close your door. i barely woke you up this morning," she told the older and fixed her grey eyes on his face.

minho looked down. why would he do that after what happened last night? maybe it was just some stray cat that sneaked in but he definitely didn't feel safe after that.

"you can go upstairs and get ready now," granny urged him, "grandpa needs you to help with his carpentry."

minho didn't say anything, just went along with it. he stood up and walked to the door, pushing his shoulder against the doorframe by accident. he was a little dizzy and grabbed onto the wall to climb the stairs easier.

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