12//lost & found

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"okay, i think we got lost," minho stated when they went out of the village onto some crops, planted with potatoes. he rubbed the back of his neck and looked backwards to the village, then to the side but all that was visible was the potato crops.

"oh," jisung exclaimed and smacked his lips together. minho's stomach grumbled loudly, "damn, and i thought i was hungry," he laughed, "we should go back and search for the exit that we came from."

"yeah, that's the smartest thing to do," the older replied and turned to go back but his stomach made some loud noise again, "fuck off," he exclaimed angrily.

jisung chuckled at his frustration but then wrapped his arms around the taller with concern, "you haven't eaten since lunch yesterday, right?"

minho bit his cheek, "it's fine, you haven't eaten since dinner," he grumpily peeled off the arms and took his hand, advancing into the village. it was classic hangry minho. he became easily frustrated and irritable but he was high-key adorable.

"you know what, go ask those people for directions," jisung pointed to some vendors and then justified, "because you have a better sense of orientation."

the taller nodded and swiped his hair away from his forehead. it was getting too hot to function. he approached the men and asked them about the fastest way to go to their village and listened attentively to their advice.

when he turned around he saw jisung already waiting for him.

minho's brows furrowed as he looked down at the package that the shorter was handing him.

"it's egg bread. the only thing they sell here," jisung explained, "this one's for you," he pushed the package on minho's chest, thus forcing him to take the content and eat it.

"how did you..?"

"i had some emergency money in my phone case," the younger smiled and watched minho take out the dish, "i don't know if it's any good but it's better than nothing."

minho nodded. it was small but jisung probably didn't have a lot of money either so he didn't complain.

he ate in silence and, when he was almost finished, looked to the smaller and asked, "where's yours?"

"oh, i only had money for one. and a drink, so choose if you want a flavoured milk, soda or juice," jisung smiled and got his coins of change out of his pocket.

"why didn't you tell me?," minho clicked his tongue and stopped eating, "we should've shared it!"

"nah, you needed it more. just finish it now and let's go," the younger urged, "what did they tell you about the way home?"

"they said the main road is the fastest actually," minho explained, "so what granny told me about the fields being the smartest way to and from the village is a lie. apparently, if we go through this exit and follow the road we'll be back in 40 minutes."

they bought a coke and shared it as they were going out of the village to the road that they needed to use. it was almost midday and the sun was getting brighter but the mountain village didn't actually become as hot as the big town at any time of the day so they walked on.

"you will have to return to gimpo after this is over, right?," jisung questioned as they marched, still holding hands.

"not until the next semester, which is in about 3 months," minho replied, "but i have nowhere else to go so i'll go to my dorm."

"you can move in with me," the shorter proposed, "for now, i mean. you would be home, there's enough space for us both and..," he blabbered rapidly.

"i can do that," minho interrupted with a wide grin, "if you want to live with me i'll come."

"y-yes," jisung sheepishly smiled, "great."

"we're going to incheon together when this ends then, huh?"

the younger rejoiced with a happy nod.

"oh, there we go, our village should be there," minho pointed to the sign, pointing to the right, "exactly 33 minutes. i take about 80 one way to go to the shop.."

jisung giggled, "at least you're staying fit. not like me, reading in the house, like a vampire."

minho smiled. they were already entering the village and stopped holding hands.

minutes later, they were already opening the gate to the garden.

"hello, granny, can we have some lunch?," jisung asked as soon as he entered the house.

"if you make it yourself," the old woman shrugged, obviously displeased by their lateness, or by the fact that they had come back at all.

"okay, then i'll see what i can get to make a sandwich..," the younger pouted and looked around.

"i'll make it for you," minho chimed and smiled, stepping towards jisung by the counter, "you fed me earlier, now it's my turn."

jisung's heart skipped a beat as they stood next to each other, their faces close. he licked his lips hungrily.

"he isn't a child, he can do it himself," granny squeaked suddenly.

"go out, jisung, and sit in the garden. i'll make you a cheese sandwich and bring it," the older instructed, ignoring the woman completely.

jisung, as if hypnotised, nodded and went out.

granny watched her two grandsons talk outside while cooking, they laughed and joked with happy grins on their faces.

"do you want an apricot?," minho asked as he picked one fruit off the tree.

"yeah, that would be nice," jisung, leaning against the table because there were no chairs in the garden, smiled.

"here," the older gave up the more reddish apricot and leaned on the table next to the other.

"thanks," jisung opened the fruit and removed the seed. he noticed that it was riper than the one minho had picked for himself and waved half of it in front of the taller's face, "aaah," he made a sign for him to open his mouth.

minho was already opening his own apricot and smiled when he noticed the adorable action. suddenly, he saw a bee fly over the piece in front of his lips and jerked his head backwards.

"oops, sorry," jisung pulled his hand briskly back towards himself, "get away from here, bee," he scolded and left the piece on the table. the insect left it but decided to sniff the one in minho's hand which made the older turn to him with a look of terror.

jisung reached and snatched the piece of fruit from minho's hand, taking the bee with it. he held it in the air, away from minho, hoping that the insect would taste the apricot and then give up on it, which is what happened.

"you okay there?," he finally turned to the taller with a soft smile.

"thanks," the older gulped once the bee was gone, "i'm allergic to stinging insects. my tongue swells up and it might impede my breathing."

"woah, really?," jisung seriously eyed him.

"yeah, i got bitten in high school once," minho giggled but within a second, a piece of apricot reached his mouth and was pushed inside it.

"take it before another one comes then," jisung chuckled and brushed the juice that was dripping down minho's lip with his thumb. they both giggled and moved on, talking about random things until dinner.

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