7// m&m chocolate

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moving on to hyunjin bc i'm obsessed w/ so many of his pics.. like, bich he glowing

"how was your afternoon?," jisung asked when he sneaked into the older's room after the lights were out downstairs.

"it was fine, though grandpa almost cut my finger off with one of the machines," minho bit his lip but chuckled when he saw the other fretting, "that's okay, he didn't. but he's almost deaf and doesn't seem to talk much.."

"yeah, i don't think i've actually spoken to him," jisung reflected and sat down on the bed, "maybe he's just like that. honestly, i don't remember him from when we used to live here."

"you don't?," minho sounded surprised, "me neither. i have some hazy memories of playing with other children around here, and this house but it ends there.."

"wow, that's bizarre. especially since we left when you were 8," the younger pensively stated, "but then again i was 6 and don't recall either of them."

"yeah," minho agreed, "but then this is all familiar to me. i don't know what i'd find around the corner or something but walking around feels like i've been here.."

"um.. maybe, yeah," jisung giggled, "this place reminds me of being scolded. mainly the garden. didn't we have, like a place to hide around here?"

the taller closed his eyes in thought. he remembered jisung as a kid, his round little face, smiling, speaking or eating some sour unripe fruit that minho had managed to pick by climbing on a tree. he was cute and heart-warming but everything around that was a blur.

"i remember holding you over the windowsill on the staircase. do you remember that too? maybe i've imagined it.."

"i think i do," jisung giggled, "i almost fell and that's when we both developed a fear of heights."

"woah, really?," minho questioned, "you have a lot of memories, huh?"

"not really. i mostly remember you. and incheon," the younger admitted, "you took great care of me and didn't let them scold me."

"yeah, i had quite a bit of a soft spot for you," minho smiled sweetly, "and i may have been annoyingly territorial."

"it wasn't annoying," jisung replied, "you reassured me. maybe you even spoiled me too much. i was so full of myself," he chuckled, "like when you got a new bike for your birthday and i took it from you, made two paces forward and got tired. you applauded me and told me i did amazing."

"you really did," the older argued seriously, "that bike was too big for you but you still managed to move it," he recalled with a serene expression.

"you supported me so much," jisung commented with shining eyes, "i always thought we'd grow old together."

minho bit his lip, "i'm so sorry i let him send you off. i was older, i should've foreseen what that was going to be like," he swallowed hard and looked away.

"you were 13, you couldn't have known," the shorter encouraged in a deaf voice and squeezed his brother's hand, "why weren't you there on the holidays?"

"i wanted to dance," minho guiltily gulped, "and i begged father to let me take dance classes but he would always say it was distracting from school and in the breaks he would suddenly send me off to dance camps in different cities.. i'm so sorry, i didn't know i'd be missing out on seeing you."

"no, that's alright," jisung whispered, "he told me you were busy with your friends. he said i shouldn't disturb you so i never called.."

"you wouldn't have disturbed me," the older scratched his nose, "were you returning often?"

"no. the first 2 years i didn't come back at all. i spent every holiday with the resident assistant. i thought father didn't want to pay a plane ticket for just a 2 week holiday and that was completely legit.."

"wow," minho couldn't help but exclaim, "was it hard to stay there on your own?"

"i missed you the most," jisung confessed with a giggle, "i found new friends and wouldn't say i had a reason to miss incheon. after she died i didn't feel the same there anymore."

"me neither," the taller nodded. it was strange to admit that. how mr kang stopped being 'dad' and became 'father' suddenly after his wife passed. what was the reason? did he change something? minho couldn't remember.

"was he always as glum as when i left?"

"yeah. he kind of reminds me of grandpa," minho laughed, "though he spoke to me every once in a while."

jisung chuckled, "i second. they have the same disparaging eyes."

"it's still better than granny. something about her is weird," the older made an uneasy grimace, "like that tea she serves. it made me throw up last time."

"you think it was the tea?," jisung's eyes widened, "cause she brought me tea today too. she said it would make me calm down after the stunt with the swallows but i thought it smelled weird and didn't drink it."

"yeah, i think you did well," minho agreed, "maybe the water here is bad. i don't think you should drink the afternoon tea either.."

the shorter hesitantly nodded. she was an old woman and it was rude to refuse her dishes and care but maybe he really was having water sickness.

"oh, by the way, i brought you something. from the shop," minho chimed and stood up to take his jacket, "it's a regional brand but it was the best they had," he waved a chocolate with m&ms in the air. it looked very vintage, wrapped in brown paper with some hanja as a name.

jisung blinked unbelievingly, "it will do," he giggled, "it reminds me of when we were getting candy for christmas and you would let me eat all the chocolate."

"and i'd get the candy," minho nodded at the memory, "and then we tried to eat them together, it was such a mess!"

"we got scolded for using the microwave," jisung laughed and took the chocolate in his hands, rapidly crushing it into pieces, "here. let's share."

they both sat down and ate the candy chocolate and giggled, remembering their failed attempt to diy it years ago, not even noticing as they fell asleep.

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