10// lock & key

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jisung bit his lip as he read the texts.

please let me in. 11:45.

grandpa locked the door. 11:46.

that was 2 hours ago. jisung shivered. minho had been here actually. maybe he still was. maybe there were more texts that he just couldn't receive because he didn't have service.

jisung covered his mouth with his hand again. did minho bring a jacket? would he wait until jisung can sneak out? should he sneak out right now? why was the old couple so weird?

his hands were shaking and his head was hurting, and he was panicked but determined to help minho as best he could.

and that included going out right away.

jisung hesitated on whether he should turn on the lamp to signify to the demon under his bed (or coming in from downstairs) that he wasn't available for playing games, or if he should be the one to surprise granny by moving in the darkness for once. he chose the latter.

he was also struggling to decide whether he should move slowly, be sneaky and careful while going out, or make a dash for it and rescue minho if the older was even still there.

where could minho be if not by the door? and if he wasn't and he just went out after him, would grandpa lock him out too?

if he was locked in something already today, wouldn't it be unfair to be locked out too? or maybe that counted for the next day, since it was already past 2 am.

either way, jisung understood that nobody was coming to see if he was the one who had heard the talk from before. probably because the answer was evident.

he decided to act natural and walked down the stairs as quietly as he could, though trying his hardest to appear casual. when he reached the last 5 stairs, he started walking significantly faster and almost ran into the clothing hanger, where he had seen grandpa keep the keys.

he didn't know what the right key was so he took the whole chain as he touched them frantically to get a sense of what shape might fit. they made a clinging sound once, then a second time, but all that jisung could hear was his heart going boom, boom, boom.

the creaking of the floor was louder than his heart though and he looked back, hoping that granny wouldn't come see the intruder with a knife. he tried the first key and pushed it in but it wasn't the right shape and he dropped the chain on accident.

he wanted to scream, to denounce himself and be over with it but his throat was dryer than the sahara desert and he gulped, trying to moisturise it but his entire mouth was dry. he picked up the keys and put another one in the hole randomly and turned it frantically, with all the strength he had.

as if on cue, the door creaked open and jisung looked out towards the porch, where minho was just standing up, having heard the key into the lock.

minho made a confused and drowsy step towards him but he couldn't help but turn around to await his fate. grandpa was coming from the room with something in his hand and jisung, though also lethargic, jumped backwards into minho as the old man was coming up to them with a hammer.

"what the hell do you think you're doing?," grandpa cried out and waved the hammer, chasing the duo into the garden in the light.

"i let minho in, i'm sorry, don't hurt us," jisung shrieked, afraid to death by the inhumane grimace that the old man had on.

he moved forward, not waving the hammer anymore, as if he was hesitating whether or not to continue his raid. jisung was ready to run but minho was frozen and looked unable to move so the shorter pushed him backwards harshly.

the frenzy lasted for a second and then the old man huffed and dropped his task, going back to the house reluctantly.

"i'm so sorry, i didn't get the message," jisung cried out, rubbing minho's arms up and down frantically, partially to warm him up but also because of his own hysteria.

"what the hell are you doing on the porch," granny stormed out of the house, and the younger instinctively checked her hands for weapons.

"h-he was locked out. i h-had to let h-him in," jisung stuttered nervously to her annoyed expression. at this point he didn't expect an apology. not getting assaulted by either of them was already a victory.

she walked in again, displeased but she didn't look dangerous. minho took jisung's hand fearfully, then made him walk upstairs first. granny locked the door and went to sleep in one of the other rooms that were pitch dark.


"are you cold? you didn't bring a jacket," jisung exclaimed as they walked in the room. he was standing at the entrance so minho pulled him inside to lock the door.

"i didn't," the older agreed and crossed his arms, "but i also didn't bring any of the groceries but they didn't care," he pointed out.

"really? didn't you go to the store?"

"i did but it was already closed," minho explained and took off his pants, "my point is.. doesn't it seem like they didn't need any of the things they send me off to buy? like, she insisted and made me go right away, then locked me out and was reluctant to let me in, and when i did get in it was without her help and she didn't even ask about her beloved tea?"

"what are you saying?," jisung quietly demanded.

"doesn't granny look intentional in bothering us? i asked about you this afternoon, and she practically scolded me. i'm sure she's discouraged you from talking to me too."

"oh, stop, hyung, you're just tired. i'm sure she means no harm," the younger responded in a small voice and rubbed minho's back comfortingly.

"don't call me that. you never have and don't need to," minho clicked his tongue.

"but.. it's a sign of respect. i do respect you.."

"no. i want you to be my equal," the taller interrupted.

"but granny sai-"

"her again? don't you think she might be dangerous?"

"no, stop," jisung waved his hands in front of minho's lips and gingerly left them on his face, "she had me freaked out tonight but i'm sure she's kindhearted. maybe she just doesn't know how to speak to us."

"yeah, sure," the older rolled his eyes incredulously. he was super sleepy though and that part was obvious, so they lied down and soon drifted off, despite their will to discuss everything thoroughly.

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