14// market day

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minho reading a book is dreamy // i didn't have any more pics lmao

"minho," granny shouted and banged the door, as per usual in the early morning. at least this time the sun was already up, "minho!"

jisung's head shot up, looking to the other to see why he wasn't responding.

"what? i don't wanna reply," the older whined when he saw jisung check his breathing, "let her think i'm dead."

"don't say that!," jisung scolded him and hit his arm, "come on, just answer."

"minho," the lady was not giving up and shouted loudly again.

"yes, what?," the boy angrily returned. jisung's eyes widened and he covered his face with a hand.

"it's market day," she squeaked in the same infuriated tone, "i need you to buy flour and sugar."

jisung giggled at the boy's annoyed expression, "just go, it's gonna fill you time."

"what about you?," minho whispered as he turned around to face the other.

"i'll just wash my hair. you'll be back before i'm finished. and i'll lock the door, don't worry," the shorter giggled and thus convinced minho to comply with granny's wish again.


the village square wasn't enormous but the market consisted of pretty much the same things that were in the other village. minho was looking through the stalls, trying to recognise some particular vendor that granny wanted him to buy the stuff from when he heard someone exclaim, "minho? minho, is that you?"

he turned around to see who was speaking to him and was faced with a familiar face, someone about his age and minho instinctively pronounced a name that came to mind, "jungwon?"

"jungwoo. close, still," the other guy laughed and offered a hand, "i'm not wrong though, you're minho, right?," he asked when he saw minho's doubtful expression.

"yes, yes, it's me. um, nice to see you," the boy smiled and shook his head. he almost recalled the man in front of him by his pretty smile and dark eyes.

"you too! haven't seen you since you left this place," jungwoo smiled and brushed a hand through his hair, "hey, i never got to tell you that but, sorry for your brother," he seriously pronounced.

"my brother? what about him?," minho asked with concern.

"yeah, i know you two were very close. it must've been hard."

"wait.. what?"

"well, losing someone when you're so young. i hope he rests in peace," jungwoo sincerely eyed minho and touched his chest.

"wait, are you talking about jisung?," minho asked incredulously and watched his interlocutor nod, "he's not dead," he was taken aback and his voice broke as he protested.

"h-he's not? but your grandma..," jungwoo's lips formed a syllable that didn't come out to make a sound, "how many brothers do you have again?," he questioned and scratched his head in confusion.

"just one. jisung. and he is alive," minho insisted, looking around in a state of shock. why would anyone think jisung died?

"oh, i'm sorry, i must have thought of someone else," the boy seemed unconvinced, "i thought your grandma said he died.."

"what? no! he's staying in the house with me, visiting our grandparents," minho explained, starting to freak out more and more at every statement jungwoo made.

"oh, i'm sorry, i just thought.. anyways," the boy waved dismissively, "are you here for some shopping? will you stay for long?"

"no, we're leaving on sunday," minho returned, "and yes, i need flour and sugar from some specific guy. are you still living here?"

jungwoo kindly sent minho to the right guy, then explained a little about his current situation. he had resorted to moving to a bigger town for university since it offered more opportunities. they talked a little and then decided to head home.

"don't you remember? this was the old cinema! like, back when this village was super populated and our grandpas used to fish for cute girls here and there they'd come here but when we were little we just swung on the willows' branches," jungwoo pointed to an old lakeside building that was falling apart.

minho nodded and smiled. nothing came to his mind about that but he did remember going to a park with a couple of boys so he asked, "what about the others, are you in touch? and the park we used to go to..?"

"um, with some, yeah. maybe i can get your number. if you're free until sunday we can hang out. with your brother too," jungwoo smiled, "and yeah, that park was in the other village. damn, you really don't remember much," he laughed.

minho was uncomfortable with the fact that he didn't have any clear recollections but he just smiled and tried to recall as much as possible. he caught a glimpse of an old burnt down building that had attracted his attention when he was coming this morning too and he asked, "what's that?"

"oh, that's the old lottery kiosk. do you remember how we used to play here? i think your grandfather liked it before it burned down," the boy explained, like a tour guide in front of a chef-d'œuvre.

"really? when did it catch fire?"

"well, it was an arson actually but they never caught anyone. maybe about 10 years ago.. i don't believe that personally, promise, but some people have said it was your grandfather who did it," jungwoo confided.

"what? why?," minho was getting agitated.

"because they say he was always losing money at this kiosk and would get aggressive if he did," the boy pointed out, "maybe it's also because he has burns on his hands. there were a bunch of arsons here a while ago.."

"oh, can you tell me what you know about that?"

"it's not much honestly. no one was taken in for them but many houses burned down. even the seo family lost theirs."

"seo? when?," minho exclaimed, trying to hide his shock.

"right before your mum married your dad. why? you may still have ownership over the land though..," jungwoo elucidated and smiled.

"nah, forget about this. thanks for telling me though..," minho smiled, "i kind of need to go, someone needs me at home. but, uh.. i know where you live. the big grey house at the end of the road, right?"

"yeah, that's the one."

"i may stop by, okay?"

"sure, come whenever. i'll be here till sunday too," the boy smiled and waved with his free hand. minho nodded and ran towards granny's house as if it was a matter of life or death.

grannyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang