Ch. 17

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After some time to process everything, and it was a lot to process, I'm not all that sad anymore. Betrayed, yes, but not sad. Not in the way I would be if I were still in love with Grant, if I ever was really in love with him. Upon closer reflection I've been thinking maybe it wasn't really love that I felt for him. I don't think I could move on so easily from someone I was truly in love with, but I'm only 18 and what do I know. Whether or not I was in love with him doesn't matter. What matters is I'm not currently in love with him, which makes the whole cheating thing a little easier to handle. Getting pushed down the stairs and put into a coma because of their affair is another story. So, no, I'm no longer sad. I'm angry. And this happy-go-lucky in-between spirit is about to get some revenge.

"I expected you to wallow for a few days," Sera says as she joins me in my pacing around the room. The pacing is helping me plot out ideas for my schemes.

"Nope, no time for that," I wave a hand dismissively. "I've thought about it and I was planning to end things with Grant anyway. But, I am still mad," I stop walking and face Sera. "They made me look like a fool and put me here, so I'm going to have some fun messing with them. I'm going to need your help to teach me some things to freak them out. Then when I wake up I'm going to tell them I know the truth. And if I don't wake up and it's my time to move on then I will haunt the shit out of them and torment them forever. Ghosts are only here if they have unfinished business right? They would be my unfinished business so if God doesn't want another vengeful spirit wandering the earth, he'll let me wake up from my coma. After I scare those two traitors, of course.

Sera laughs with a surprised look on her face, "Wow you've thought a lot about this."

I braced myself for some backlash. Some comment about how I wasn't thinking clearly and I can't mess with Grant and Belle. That I'm being immature and need to move on. I was ready for it. Ready to hear her laugh at me - the kind of laugh that's a mix of "you're crazy" and "what's wrong with you?" But, the laugh didn't come.

"Alright, let's come up with ideas to mess with them then," she waves her hand and is suddenly holding a pad of paper and a pen.

My mouth dropped open. I'd never seen her just conjure up items like that.

"What? You're shocked by the fact that I can summon some paper and a pen but the fact that you're having an out-of-body experience and you want to come up with some ghostly ideas to freak out the two people you thought you were the closest with are just normal, everyday activities?" She plops down in a chair wearing a smug smile on her face that she roasted me.

I let her have her little moment and walk around the room, tapping the pen against my chin as I thought about both what I wanted to do to them to freak them out and what I could do to them with my acquired skills so far. I talk about my acquired skills like I'm some badass in a spy movie.

A glimmer of gold caught my eye. I looked over at my bedside table and saw a heart pendant that Grant had given me for our last (and last ever) anniversary. It was a simple gold heart with braided detailing on a delicate, thin chain. Since I can't have any jewelry on, I guess my mom or someone left it on the table for me probably thinking it would be a sweet gesture. Little did they know, Grant's whole heart hasn't been with me for a while. I wonder if he was already sneaking around with Belle when he bought that necklace for me. I thought it was a little extravagant of him to buy me the necklace and matching earrings when he had just quit his job at the local pizza place. Maybe it was a guilt gift.

My eyes widened and so did my smile because I had a eureka moment. "I got it! My necklace!" I pointed at it with the pen in my hand.

"What about it?" Sera asked.

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