Flowers First 💐 - Part III

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The stars on this mild summer evening are literally twinkling all around and follow me and Magnus as silent companions back to my parents' house.

Magnus actually knows a shortcut that saves us almost ten minutes. Although the route is not particularly well lit, our own bicycle lights compensate sufficiently for this circumstance.

Again and again, I gaze dreamily up at the stars and grin blissfully to myself. I am so glad that Magnus has said yes and is accompanying me to my family, even though I still have no idea how to explain his presence.

I completely trust my body sensation and loosen the grip of both my hands around the bike handlebars. Deeply I inhale the refreshing air and audibly expel it from my lungs. I put one more on top and close my eyes for a split second. Being alive has never felt so good.

"You're out of your mind! Keep your eyes on the road, Alexander!" admonishes Magnus next to me. His clearly amused tone doesn't escape me.

"We haven't met a single car or pedestrian yet."
"Still. I want some more of you." I perk up my ears and at these words and have to swallow hard. 'Did he really just say that?

I get slightly off balance and notice how my driving becomes slightly meandering.
"Is that so?", I ask Magnus provocatively and continue to keep my eyes closed. I can hold out for a few more seconds before I really should open my eyes again, before I fly off my bike in a high arc and break all my bones.

"Definitely. And now eyes forward and at least one hand on the handlebars again!" gasps Magnus.
"At your command, Mr. Bane," I reply promptly and hold my right hand in front of my forehead in salute. At the same time, I open my eyes and clasp the handlebars again with my left hand.

"Oh, God! Please don't call me Mr. Bane! It sounds like I've aged ten years," Magnus moans theatrically, making me laugh.

I don't know what's so bad about that. He would then be in his mid-thirties and would probably still look insanely attractive. In fact, I'm very sure of it.

"How are you actually going to introduce me to your family? Do we have to make up a story beforehand? The truth would probably be too blunt."
"Probably. I'd like to introduce you as a friend, without any judgment at all," I explain to him honestly.

A casual acquaintance would hardly be introduced to the whole family at his little sister's birthday party. Although Magnus and I are really still strangers to each other, and yet I don't feel that way. 'I wonder if he feels the same way?

"Sounds reasonable to me," Magnus replies, suddenly beginning to pick up his driving pace considerably.
"What are you doing?", I ask him in amazement, looking after Magnus in a puzzled manner.

"If we keep going at this snail's pace, we won't get to your family until tomorrow morning!" he calls out to me, explaining.
"Snail's pace?! I must have misheard you. Well wait!"

I pedal eagerly and shift up two gears. It takes a fair amount of strength and energy for me to keep up with Magnus.

"I'm coming, old man. I can already make out your shock of gray hair," I triumphantly say, feeling like a little boy again.
"Dude! I'll get revenge for that later."
Magnus' laugh is delightful and causes a comforting warm feeling in my chest.

"I'm counting on it!", I shout after him, giggling, and manage to catch up with Magnus after a few meters. We grin at each other in amusement and remain silent for the remaining minutes to my parents' house.
I've never brought home someone who is well on his way to taking my heart by storm.

Magnus and I pass the driveway of my home and put our bikes in the garage, among lawnmowers and other junk. Now I do get a little nervous and squint unobtrusively over at Magnus, who seems to be calmness personified. 'How does he do it?' I envy people who radiate such inner calm. I could use it right now.

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